
Securing the Mansion (Part-2)

Lord Nolan's pathetic groveling was a first for Alexander in either of his life.

He did not think a man could stoop so low. Especially one this high and dignified. Not to mention one so old.

You would think that having lived so long, the wizened lord would begin to lose some attachment to this material world.

But no. 

In fact, it was the exact opposite that had happened. 

The old man had firmly entrenched his desires into the earthly soil, the root descending deep and far, unwilling to leave its nest and wither.

Hence at the threat of death, tears, snot, and other mucus flowed across his face, the wrinkled skin being bathed in this water, and turning glittery with a soft shine.

Which actually looked quite good to look at, if ignoring the fact how it was produced.


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