
Inevitable Developments (Part-2)

Following the planned increased riots, Alexander was invited to a series of meetings by Lord Nolan with the top level administrations of the Margraves family, with the goal of trying to find a true, lasting solution to the ongoing dilemma.

Something that Alexander was of course very pleased by.

Even someone as 'blind' as he could see how the people were becoming more and more riled up, how they were getting more and more out of hand, all from the back of his mansion

So he genuinely feared that if this kept going on, one day the entire population of 100,000 might go mad and throwing caution to the wind would decide to crash into his legionnaires.

Thus any steps to try and prevent that nightmare from coming true would be appreciated.

And as Alexander started to attend these meetings, his initial hopes were further raised when he saw the kind of people attending them, because they were people who had actual power within the family.


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