Alexander stormed out of Miss Linda's small garden with a white hot rage that threatened to almost burn his heart to cinders.
It was to the point he even did not know where he was going in this labyranith like mansion, just that he was going somewhere that was not here.
While back at the garden, Miss Linda did not have the typical rueful facade one would expect a person who had just lost herself a potential ally to have.
You would think after trying to pamper Alexander so much and coming so close, only to lose it at the last second due to some ill advised, spur of the moment words, this scheming lady would be regretful that such a nice stack of cards came so suddenly crashing down.
But no.
The face that Miss Linda currently had was one of frustration and anger, as she pursed her lips and pouted, while at the same time, she worked quickly to turn herself decent- redoing the knot in front of her dress.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: