
Games Night With Alexander (Part-9)

When Gelene was moving her piece to the dungeon, she suddenly noticed it had landed on the 'King's Chance' space of the board.

And seeing it felt like she was seeing the slightest sliver of light in a deep, dark tunnel.

'Maybe one of the cards there can help me! Maybe there is a 'get out of dungeon' card!' She prayed against hope.

Thus she quickly pointed that out to Alexander, asking him if she could use that.

"......" Alexander did not immediately answer.

Instead, he traced his chin, thinking how he should resolve the turn order.

Should the 'Inquisiton' send Gelene to the dungeon right now, or does she get to buy property or draw cards before her turn resolves?

"Mmmm… okay draw the cards." Ultimately he decided on the latter since he felt it would make the game more fun.

"Yes!" And Gelene instantly cheered at having obtained this small advantage, and then quickly went to grab the topmost card from the deck like a hawk.


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