
Dividing the Lands (Part-6)

Alexander's division of land among the various nobles did not actually involve too much forfeiture of the free lands of Tibias, i.e. the lands that the Tibian royal family, and now the Pasha of Zanzan had default right over.

The reason for which was simple- almost nobody wanted those 'free lands' under Alexander's control.

And to know why, one had to only ask, 'why were those lands free in the first place.'

And the answer would generally be that those places were either too barren or remote or both, being neither suitable for cultivation of any kind nor for extraction of any.

And for an agrarian society like Tibias, that basically meant those lands were almost equivalent to a barren desert. 

Who would want them?

It had to be appreciated that societies of this time period almost exclusively had large population centers only concentrated on good, fertile, arable land.


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