
Brawl in Kalimat (Part-2)

As the legionaries made their way along the single, one way street, they soon found themselves being confronted with what appeared to them many shadows recklessly running towards them.

Given the ambient darkness, the men were unable to judge who, or even what these were.

But it did not matter anyway.

For they knew the only friendlies were the people beside them.

So by default, everyone else was the enemy, regardless of whether these men were civilians trying to run from the disaster, or soldiers coming to meet them. 

That was their order and there was only one recourse for the men to take.

Kill them.

Thus as the mercenaries wildly running at the approaching black curtain finally closer to see what they were facing, they did not even get to finish their shouts of shock and alarm for they were instantly peppered by a hail of javelins and crossbows, and as such the legionaries drew first blood.


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