Hemicus's sudden cavalry charge and the destruction it wrought once again paid homage to the immense danger heavy cavalry carried if it was not properly dealt with and allowed to act as they pleased.
Even with just 1,000, the man was able to cripple a force 7 times his size.
It just went on to show that there was indeed a reason why European cavalry, like the famed covered in plate armor French knights on horseback, was one of the most if not the most deadly thing on a medieval battlefield.
Thus it was very conceivable to know that by Hemicus's fourth cavalry charge, Philips's units on the flanks had been decimated, with blood, bodies, and corpses strewn all about, while Hemicus did not even have a single dead, just one wounded on the arm.
And facing such dire odds, that wing was no longer able to take the full brunt of the attack and they finally broke.
"It's too much."
"We can't hold on!"
"Run for your life!"
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: