The possibility of violence about to be done to her did not deter Lady Felicia, for she believed it was all worth it.
But then suddenly, as she braced herself, things did not proceed as Lady Felicia expected.
That is- the men around her did not simply grab her by the head and dunk it into the chilly water bowl.
Instead, *clang*, suddenly the odd shiny glint of steel reflecting the nearby candlelight caught the woman's eyes, and her body subsequently shivered when she felt the sharp steel be placed right onto her left ring finger.
This was a new sensation for her, for in reality, Lady Felicia had never had as much as a paper cut in her entire life.
Thus faced with the possibility of getting a body part of her cut right in front of her, proved to be a very daunting challenge.
She did not think Alexander was going to start hacking off bits right at the start.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: