The night soon rolled on, and both sides by now had spent three hours under the full moon of the summer night, neither making a move.
'What's the holdup? Did they get cold feet?' And waiting atop his horse for the past hour or so, Alexander thought a bit impatiently.
He had been looking very forward to the phalanx units charging down the hill, disrupting their own formation in the process, and then being cut down by his organized legionaries.
But it seemed the enemy was just content to just stand there as if they were having last-minute thoughts about whether to really bet everything on this one roll.
So Alexander too waited, cocksure that the opposite side would break before him, as he spent his time swatting the mosquitoes buzzing all around him.
'It should be time!' While Lord Theony was much more anticipating, his ears perked for the call of the trumpet, and his hands itching to issue the order to charge.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: