
Reaction of Tibias's Court (Part-2)

Perseus's target of one month to gather all those men was really pushing what was possible.

It usually took much longer than that to gather so many men as time was needed to get the order down the chain of command.

But none of the two men dared to dispute this in fear of the other using it against him to make him appear incompetent.

While Perseus after setting the time frame continued, 

"After you have gathered your men, have them use the river Diannu to ride upstream."

"That way you can directly enter Thesalie. This will be much faster than marching."

Perseus's plan to use the navigable waterways for troop transport was very good.

But this little detail somehow also gave the two the opportunity to quibble and try and wriggle out some more time.

So being the quicker witted of the two, Mithriditus tried to go around the problem another way.


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