
Combating Racism

The inherent racism Adhanian people had towards outsiders was almost ingrained into their bones.

They were almost conditioned from birth to see themselves as the center of the civilized world.

thinking their culture as the most glorious of all.

Of course, they were not the lone candidate to be affected by this kind of thinking, as Thesians were too, who saw their practice of democracy and being ruled by the will of the people as the best kind of governance, thus thinking they were the most advanced civilization.

And as one moved to other countries, many of them had their own interpretation of the word 'best country in the world' meaning ethnic divide and racism were almost part and parcel of life.

Slurs and slang describing people different from them in looks, color, and beliefs were abound, and due to the common nature of it all, Alexander was cautious of issuing sweeping legislation that punished people for this overnight.


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