"How can you be so sure?" But Ptolomy was still panicked, as he stretched out his arm and said, "Djose could choose to simply lay the blame for the harm on the fact that some soldiers go out of control during seizing the city."
"He could say the tragedy was caused by the fact that no commander could control each and one of his men under him during the chaotic plundering of a captured city." Ptolomy envisioned the worst-case scenario and then pointed asked, "What then?"
'Well it's good to see you are not totally inept. At least you can recognize Djose might choose to harm them as revenge for you killing his son,' Pasha Farzah was half impressed that Ptolomy did not take the royal ladies' safety for granted.
Now only if he put that much thought into governance.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: