
New Cavalry (Part-1)

Alexander giving his soldiers an effective salary of 50 ropals a month might sound like sowing the seeds for rebellion.

After all, 50 ropal might not even be enough to feed one's wife, let alone the many extra mouths that would also be there.

And it was not like food was only the cost of living.

People needed other goods as well.

Essentials like food, clothing, and medicine, needs such as potteries and furniture and wants such as jewelry and luxury wine.

So on the face of it, this paltry salary might seem unsustainable for Alexander.

But there were several caveats to that argument.

Firstly, the 150 ropal wage was the starting wage, i.e for new, green recruits, and so naturally their pay would be low.

These men also would usually be in their mid to late teens, young and juvenile, and normally be not married.

And so for them, 50 ropals a month of essential savings was a lot.


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