
Brick Manufacturing (Part-2)

Alexander was not the only one that found Jazum's obliviousness distasteful.

And as if infected by his rage, Alexander's bodyguards too radiated anger and displeasure, finding such uninhibited casualness with their lord very inappropriate.

But all these subtle and even not-so-subtle clues seemed to go over the son-con's head, who seemed to be immersed in his proud son's memory.

"The brick kiln was supposed to be under your jurisdiction by my command." Alexander's voice was deep, his eyes narrowed, as he then clenched the words, "So who gave you the permission to pass that duty to another?"

This tone of questioning finally woke Jazum to the direction Alexander was steering the conversion, but instead of being scared and apologizing for this gross misuse of power, he on the contrary defended himself, saying, "Oh, my lord, but Jafor is a good kid. He is just figuring himself out and I'm sure he will work very hard and contribute much to Zanzan very soon."


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