
Dinner with the Guests (Part-2)

Despite her cheerful and lively exterior, Mikaya loathed being here in Zanzan, being forced here by her lord father.

Even after she had thrown a tantrum about Zanzan being a dump, her usually indulgent father remained adamant, leaving her no choice but to board the ship.

And true to her words, she found Zanzan to be one huge dump if there was one.

In fact, it proved to be even more of a dump than she had originally thought.

She had nothing to do here, no friends, and no fellow nobles to talk and chat to and the new pasha and his family were all hicks who did nothing but work, even freely mixing themselves among the servants, which she found disgusting.

Even now, seeing how Gelene and Mean were sitting at the same table as her and eating the same food out of the same plates made her skin crawl.

But these were not her biggest grievances.

What she dearly missed were all her boy toys back in Matrak.

And she especially regretted the time being wasted right now.


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