Seelima- the queen mother could not remember the last time she had been so angry.
Even when she was captured by Amenheraft, he had been cordial and respectful, at least on the surface.
But now a lowly mercenary, a brat, was openly mocking her, her skin, her race, her people, her pride.
She had suffered countless abuse from jealous ladies of the harem and from many in the court because of her exotic skin tone that made her stand out.
She was seen as nothing more than a toy the king would get soon tired of after playing with her for a few days and many were eager to make the twelve-year-old know her place.
But she proved those jeerers wrong, as she did stay under the king's favor for a long time, slowly winding her finger around the king, and over twenty-one long years gained power in the shadows step by step, slowly and methodically gaining allies and influence to the point she could do such things as kill the king and queen.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: