
Lunch With the Royals (Part-1)[Bonus chapter]

The one most moved by Alexander's 'new' creation was not Laykash or even Alexander but Grahtos.

He did not have the time to praise Alexander because Alexander had quickly moved on to treat Laykash but Grahtos understood the significance of this invention, particularly for horsemen

His own brother had died from a femur injury and that was how he had come to know firsthand why femur injuries were considered basically death sentences, but now knowing that such a simple cure existed, he felt the future of all horsemen had become brighter.

'I will join the commander's group,' Grahtos made a fateful decision, truly believing that Alexander's future was limitless.

The man that occupied Grahtos's mind had finished securing the injured leg with the splint and then checked the boy's temperature, only to find it scorching hot.

Laykash was running a terrible fever.


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