"The god-king is dead! The god king is dead!" Alexander screamed in elation as he thought he had finally done it.
After experiencing such a myriad of emotions with such a small amount of amount, it was finally over.
Finally, Amenheraft was dead.
Or so he believed as he took the lead in the charge through the gate.
But fortunately, Alexander wasn't the only one to believe in this erroneous conclusion.
Because the Adhanians also believed their king was dead.
And although some of the nobles and even Amenheraft himself wanted to come out and explain the situation there was no time.
Alexander was literally just tens of meters behind them and charging at full speed with his spear pointed toward them.
"Your Majesty, run!" A noble screamed at the thought of another daredevil charging towards them with no regard for his life and then spurred his horse to smash through the densely packed garrisoned soldiers.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: