
Time With his Women

Alexander returned to his tent after work to find Cambyses sitting in front of her a small mirror, getting her hair combed by Mean, while she munched on some crackers and chatted with Gelene and Ophenia.

She looked like a real mistress of an aristocratic house, being served on hands and feet by an army of servants.

"Alex, you are back!" She greeted him with a huge smile as he entered the tent while Gelene rushed to him with a towel.

"Um, you been well?" Alexander asked casually as he took the towel and dried his soaking body.

It had been raining continuously the whole day, without showing any signs of letting up and Alexander got soaked while he toured the camp.

"Why didn't you use an umbrella? You are as wet as a sponge." Mean, with her usual temper berated him.

"Because my dear chihuahua, if a commander shows up to a battle in an umbrella while the soldiers are soaking themselves, it alienates them and spreads discontent around." Alexander was vigorously drying his hair.


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