
Cambyses's Hand Skills (R18)

"Well, how have you been? Any pain still?" Finally alone, Alexander could, at last, spend some intimate moments with Cambyses.

"No. It hurt a bit in the morning after I woke up, but after Mean rubbed some ointment on it, that soon subsided." Cambyses cheerfully said.

"That's good. So, what did you do the rest of the day?" Alexander curiously asked.

"After breakfast, I wanted to go and congratulate you. But Mean was adamant about not letting me leave the bed, saying you personally told her to stop me. Also, Camius came to tell me you were in an important meeting with all the other mercenary leaders. So with nothing to do, I again slept till noon. After lunch, I was finally let out and went to check on the clinic and then got Mean, Gelene, and Tayin to help me clean your tent."

At this mention, Alexander looked around to see that the tent was indeed free of much of the dust.


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