


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




Chapter 36


Lockhart stood up again with difficulty after a few minutes on the ground.

He tried his best to give a smile and wave toward the class.

"I am alright everyone! Do not worry about me, for I am made of very thought material!." He raised his arms in the air and the class started cheering for him.

"Well… the purpose of this duel was to demonstrate the effects of the disarming charm. Unfortunately, professor Snape accidentally put too much force in the speel and ended up pushing me instead of disarming me, as intended."

Lockhart commented while getting back up again in the platform. Then he moved his hands in a placating manner.

"Now now. Do not blame your professor for his mistake, after all, He is the Potions Professor, not the Defense one." Lockhard said.

Snape looked ready to take out his wand and curse Lockhart to death.

"Maybe we should try again Professor Lockhard. I a sure I can do better. " Snape said with a sneer.

Lockhart looked got a bit paler and said. "N-no. I don't think that would be necessary. It is time to let the young ones try."

He looked toward Harry.

"What about you Mr. Potter? And maybe one of your lovely companions?." He said while looking at Susan and a very blushed Hannah.

"You want two Hufflepuffs to demonstrate dueling?" Snape said loudly, while the Slytherins laughed. He then added. "Nott, come up here and teach Mr. Potter a valuable lesson about dueling."

Harry, who had already climbed on top of the dueling platform was looking at Theodore Nott.

It seems that after Malfoys's death, Nott has been trying to fill the void. He is always accompanied by the two gorillas and he gives Harry a hateful gaze once in a while. Although, unlike Malfoy, Nott has taken no action for the moment.

After both of them stood in dueling position, with their wands out, Nott said with a serious expression.

"Potter! I am going to teach you how a real wizard fights. Unlike those blood traitors. " He looked towards Hannah and Susan.

Harry said nothing and just stood there, waiting for the sign to start with a bored face.

Lockhard got to one side of the platform and said.

"Alright, only disarming spells. On the count of three!."





Nott started by quickly casting a jelly-lex-jinx.

Harry moved slightly to the left and avoided it easily. They were too far away for that slow jinx to have any chance to hit him.

Nott noticed this and got closer before using his next spell.


An enchanted rope shoot out from Nott's wand and flew quickly towards Harry.

If he is touched by the rope, this one will begin to entangle his body until he cannot move.

Harry whispered "Finite"

His spell hit the rope mid-flight and this one fell to the ground. It looked like a normal rope now.

"I said disarming spells ONLY!." Lockhart exclaimed.

Nott was becoming more and more furious.

"FINE. Try this one then."

"SERPENTSORTIA," Nott yelled while pointing his wand in Harry's direction.

A very big snake appeared on the platform and looked towards Harry and then looked around, seemly confused.

Even with no way to communicate, a summoned animal will know the intention of the caster at the moment the spell was used.

It became obvious however that Nott had no experience using that type of magic because the summoned snake had no idea what she was supposed to do.

Snape made to approach the platform with a sneer.

"Potter, I believe this is too much for you, le me handl-"


After the words were heard, a wave of energy shoot out of Harry's wand and collided with the snake.

The snake flew backward at great speed until it got tangled with Nott.

She hissed in anger and started to coil around Nott's body while showing him her fangs.

"H-help" Nott manages to get out while being completely terrified.

"Oh, worry not, I'll handle this." Lockhart, who has closer, quickly approached. Nott looked at him with pleading eyes.

"Dot not worry, I know just the spell to use!." He pointed his wand and the snake and before Snape could stop him the fired his spell.

"Serpento Evanesco!"

A red light hit the snake, but instead of making her disappear, the spell seems to have torn away many of the snake's scales, causing her great pain.

The snake was enraged and bit Nott on his checks. The boy could only scream.

Snape finally made it close enough.

"Vipera Evanesca"

The snake disappeared in a cloud of smoke and Nott fell on the platform and started shaking. It seems that the snake was venomous.

Snape made Nott's body levitate and swiftly took him to the infirmary.

Lockhart looked around nervously.

"Well. That should teach to not use certain spells…Yes, I believe we can end this first class here. I have many things to do I'm afraid."

Lockhart quickly made it out of the classroom.

"Wow Harry that was impressive." Susan approached Harry, who was getting down from the platform now.

"Yeah, You taught that slimy snake a lesson!." Ron, who was close by said.

"I feel a bit sorry for Nott, that must have been very painful," Hannah said with a complicated expression.

"Ei, He was the one that summon the snake. Besides, he may not have gotten bitten if Professor Lockhart didn't whiff his spell." Susan pointed out.

"That's…" Hannah wanted to defend Lockhart but was at a loss about what to say.

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