
Flooding the Market


The sudden, loud noise of the office door being thrust open jolted Riz from his contemplative reverie.

Startled, he swivelled around in his ornate chair to see who had burst into his office without warning.

To his surprise, a striking beauty with fiery red hair and piercing light blue eyes entered the room with a grim expression etched across her features. 

It was Charlotte.

In her hand, she held something, and her demeanour conveyed an urgency that required his attention.

"What's going on, Charlotte? Why are you so angry?" Riz inquired, his curiosity piqued by her uncharacteristic agitation.

Charlotte wasted no time and handed him the item she held. "Here! Take a look at this," she urged, her voice tense as she awaited his reaction.

Riz took the crumpled paper from her hand, his fingers delicately smoothing out the creases as his eyes began to scan the content.

The headline immediately caught his attention.

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