
Reina's Letters

"Yeah," Riz nodded, "I hope for the same. At least, if it gonna happen, let it happen far from us."

Both of them chuckled, sharing a moment of lightheartedness amid the weighty discussions of diplomacy.

They knew all too well that human nature and conflict often went hand in hand, no matter how much they desired peace and friendship between their nations.

"Is there anything else you would like to say?" Riz inquired, his expression growing more serious.

Audrey nodded, her demeanour reflecting a mix of concern and sincerity. "Yes, it's about Lady Reina, Your Majesty. I met her when I was in the north. Well, I kinda expected that."

Riz's face tightened with worry. "Does she do well?" he asked, his concern evident.

"Most of the time, I guess," Audrey replied thoughtfully.

She proceeded to tell the story of her interactions with Lady Reina and her son, Young Prince Benjamin, during her stay in the north.

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