
Training the Allies Part 2

Compared to Vofors, the intensity of training conducted in Mezorin isn't that harsh. The kingdom is located right next to Ryntum. Military-wise, Naharog always imitates its neighbour at every single turn and follows closely behind. In addition, their proficiency in using firearms is far higher than Vofors.

Nonetheless, they are still lacking by Ryntum standards.

To increase Naharog's army professionalism, he purposely sent Ryntum Chief of the Army, Bain Lawrence to oversee the training process. He was a common-born seasoned soldier who fought alongside his late father during the war against the Gyalcakes and Naharog in the past. Aside from his experience, another reason he was chosen is because of his age. Bain is in his mid-thirties, an age where he's matured in thinking and conduct while at the same time retaining a flexible mind to adapt to new technology and tactics.

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