
Wishing that I didn't exist!

—9:00Am, Bov Hotel

Sun kissing her skin from the curtain, comfy pillows all around her and the soft mattress beneath..after a loud groan, Andrea's eyelids lifted in annoyance. "Who opened the curtains?! This st- Ah, my head!!!" Andrea held her head in pain, she was having a terrible headache. "What happened...? I had a weird dream of meeting bloss entertainment CEO...Gosh was I that drunk?" Andrea messaged her forehead, her hair was a mess, her lips were now completely dry, her neatly-ironed black dress was now all crumbled making her question her actions. Without giving it much thought or seeing where she is she hugged the blanket "Meh, whatever.. I'll just go back to bed..." she took a few steady breathes but was disturbed with a knock on the door. "Housekeeping?" A female maid said.

"Housekeeping....Mmmmm...." Andrea muffled into the pillow, then shot up from the bed and looked around herself. She felt her head throbbing in pain but she ignored it completely "What the..?" Andrea questioned. This wasn't her room! But a hotel room!? What the heck did she end up doing yesterday night....? "Please come in..." Since she couldn't really remember anything, she thought maybe the service could help. With a 'click' the maid opened the door. "Good morning, miss. I'm here to serve you breakfast as well as hungover soup and some headache pills." The maid said. Andrea, who was still trying to gather her thoughts was a little puzzled. "How did I come here in the first place?.." Andrea's thoughts escaped her lips. "Oh,miss. a tall gentleman who seemed to be 27 or 28 brought you here, If I'm not wrong...his name was...um, something that rhythm with 'Diamond'..?" The maid normally explained putting her finger under her chin. On the other hand, Andrea was in deep shock. Shaking her head helplessly, The maid smiled then left the room.

"It can't be-" As if the latter could hear her thoughts, her phone began to ring. She was receiving a call! Andrea slowly glanced at the branded phone from the side of her eyes, the name 'Tall rich stupid CEO' flashed Infront of her. "...I regret my entire existence right now..." Andrea softly mumbled. She was really doomed this time. Hoping that earth would crack and swallow her whole from embarrassment, she recuantly held her phone in her sweaty palm, and pressed 'accept' in nervousness. "Goodmorning,Ms. Andrea. or shall I say Ms.hopeless romantic? Hmm?" Damon's deep voice came into her ear, hearing his voice Andrea's heart skipped a beat in fear mixed with embarrassment. "I suppose you already knew who I am from the nickname, right? I found your number saved on your contacts when I saved mine, so I took it." Damon spoke with sarcasm but his voice sounded formal and unique, unlike his silver eyes that were slightly shinning in amusement. The same eyes which were dull and looked like they had long lost their spark yesterday. "Mr. Gracia I'm sorry-" Andrea apologized, Damon's smiley eyes slightly turned sad since he really had fun with the way she was honest with him. Before he could even think of a way to bring her back to the way she used to talk to him Andrea spoke with outmost carelessness. "But you seriously were acting too stupid that I couldn't hold back my tongue." Damon was...surprised.

That young lady didn't even think of what she said, Well, duh. she just got up and was still processing what the heck happened!

Thinking of what she said, Andrea clapped her mouth "M-Mr. Gracia I'm sorry!!!! I didn't think of what I said y..you see i-i just woke up and.... " She started to apologize endlessly but all she got from him was deep silence, thinking that he was seriously mad,she started to regret being born. She really wanted to disappear at that point. But in reality....

Damon was sitting in his Office on the last floor of Bliss entertainment company, He was wearing a light blue shirt, Navy blue blazers paired with dark pants. a red necktie was hanging down his neck, his wrist was decorated with a light grey watch typically matching his eyes. "But you seriously were acting too stupid that I couldn't hold back my tongue." Those firm words took him off guard, making him puzzled...'Is she still drunk?' is what he thought until he heard her series of endless apologies. He rested his back on the chair and tried hard to hold back his laugh. He wasn't mad, he wasn't furious, If it was someone else who said that he'd surely make them know their place. But he just found her funny, innocent and honest. he still couldn't believe that she kidnapped Rosie but chose to stick up with that fact.

After a while of internal laughs for Damon and one hell of an awkward silence for Andrea, Damon finally spoke "I did not call you to tell you arrange your funeral, I called you for business." Andrea rose her brow, "Mr. Gracia, I don't want to sound rude but, are you in your right state of mind at the moment?" In other words, she was asking if he's drunk but respectfully. "What makes you think otherwise?" He questioned. "I think you already know my reputation, the rumors and..." Andrea felt her heartache as she said the last line ".....The problems I have with Cameron's,,I mean...Mr. Collin's girlfriend. Employing me is equal to challenging GLDN entertainment. And with all due respect, I don't think you're ready for that type of fight with your company's current situation... right?" Andrea dryly added.

"I think you also remember the idea you suggested yesterday? To remind you, you said something along the lines of 'Hiring talented Artists'." Damon reminded her, Her talking about the situation his company was making him irritated And what made him more irritated was Cameron. He felt like she didn't deserve what he did to her at all. But he tried to remain indifferent. Andrea sat where she was in deep thought. what was she supposed to do now? "You have 15 minutes." Damon's strict voice came into her ears interrupting every single thought she had in mind. "What?? What for-" She asked in complete puzzlement. "To represent your idea. Come to bloss entertainment in 30 minutes. Or you might lose all your hope to become a model again,and it'd be my turn calling you a depressed employee that just got fired. I'll send you the location in case your drunken head is still not sober to search on the internet." Damon repeated her words. "But I-" Andrea tried to gather herself but all she heard was the beeping sound of a cancelled call. "...This little piece of-" Andrea cursed him in her heart. She drank her hangover soup in one go and asked for a change of clothes. Thanks to her hair being short it didn't take her much time at all.

Hopefully, Andrea still had her earnings from past photoshoots on her credit card, So she payed for her clothes. She wore grey pants wide leg pants and a white blouse tugged in. She wore black long heels and brought her bag. "Ah, shoot! I only have 12 minutes!" She hurriedly hailed a cap. "Please drive to this location as fast as possible! If needed, break the traffic!!!" Andrea demanded.


—Bloss entertainment. 9:29am.

Eyes were fixed on Andrea's beauty as she made her way to the reception desk. "Hello, I'm here for Mr. Gracia." Andrea announced. But she got a cold and not so respectful attitude from the receptionist,she looked at Andrea like she was some low woman. "Why? Are you here to lick my boss's shoes? Tsk. Do you even have an appointment?" The receptionist said in very annoying way that made Andrea grit her teeth in anger, the respect she was trying to talk with now vanished from her tongue. "I don't have an appointment,but your boss called me himself." Andrea sneered and folded her arms Infront of her chest,her Gucci bag hanging on her arm making her look powerful. "Don't be so low to bring Mr. Gracia in your low scheme, Andrea! you're really so... unbelievable! no wonder Mr.Collins wanted another woman." The receptionist said in mockery.


Did she really just say that?

Everyone felt like they were watching some type of drama upon hearing that,they wanted to know what else is going to happen.

"Watch. Your. Tongue." Andrea warned,her expression turned ugly and scary. "I did not fucking ask you about my own freaking matters,I know them very well. Your opinion is equal to trash to me, Your boss called me here to help this company from it's downfall, But I don't suppose you want that?" Andrea's sharp tongue stabbed the secretary like a knife through her skin. Andrea's cold gaze made the secretary shiver feeling the drop in the temperature. But she refused to stay put. "Why would my boss call a ruined reputation model like you!? Ha, who do you think you're fooling?! you better leave before I call the security!" Andrea's face turned into a threatening expression, The secretary felt like her life flashed Infront of her. She took a step back from her position while Andrea was busy calling Damon, With speaker on.

Damon,who was still sitting in his office reading some documents with Lawrence on his left telling him , heard his phone ring. His eyes somewhat softened seeing the caller's ID. 'Ms.Too honest' "You're 2 minutes la-" "Mr. Gracia,Deal with your receptionist! No wonder your company is dealing with a possibility of bankruptcy right now." Andrea's words were of anger, The secretary gulped in fear and the employees started to gossip. "What? Wait where you are, I'll deal with it." Damon's firm voice came in as he walked into the corridor with the phone on his ear to the elevator. Leaving Lawrence in confusion. "Whatever. I have nothing anymore to lose so I don't mind teaching 'someone' a lesson." Andrea Said and glanced at the receptionist.


After 15 minutes,the elevator reached the first floor.

Damon took quick steps to the reception, The employees gasped when they saw him. Why was their boss personally welcoming someone? He never did it all his life...The male employees were puzzled while the female employees were raging with jealousy.

"Miss Lian." Damon called out to her from the back since the reception is Infront of his private elevator, Andrea was standing with her back to him. When she heard her name,She looked back with her threatening gaze on. She was still feeling very annoyed. Andrea's face was bare, She wore no makeup but her skin was pure and very soft. Damon looked at her like she was the only person around him. He didn't realize that someone else was even in the company till The receptionist started to apologize. "What a great way you have in your company to greet Artists and other directors. I'm surprised that Bloss even made it to the top with this attitude." Andrea scoffed. Damon's expression turned sour. "What did she do?" Damon asked, Andrea was about to talk but The receptionist who turned pale didn't give her a chance to talk and stuttered. "Mr.Gracia I....i-"

"I was asking her, Not you. Since when do receptionist interrupt our Guests?" Damon lectured, Andrea was honestly surprised. She expected him to listen to his employee not her (Andrea), But why did it turn out the opposite? Andrea wasn't even a share holder nor an artist under Bloss. Damon's attention turned back to Andrea for a second making eye contact with her and sending heart skipping quickly for a few quick moments, She averted her gaze and looked away. What was that? Was he reassuring her..?

"You're fired."

Thank you,Unnati awasthi for supporting me! ❤️ I really appreciate you! Sorry for the late update.

Selina_46creators' thoughts
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