
391. Someone’s Daughter

Mauve looked at her father with a stunned expression. She could not believe the words that just fell out of his mouth. Indeed, her ears were deceiving her.

"Why? You have never cared about what happens to me. Why put any effort now? What are you hiding from me? Why am I really here?" She rapidly asked as she threw caution to the wind. There was technically nothing to lose.

"What are you talking about?" He looked at her with a massive frown on his face.

"You're here because it's what's best for you. I realized my mistake, and I am willing to make amends. Is that not enough reason?" He asked, staring at her intensely.

Mauve winced as the same set of words were thrown at her again. Did he really think she was that gullible?

Mauve shook her head, "No, it's not. Are you trying to get back at the vampires by keeping me here?" She asked.

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