

Standing before the floor to ceiling mirror, he stared at his reflection as he notched his tie. Nothing's changed in his appearance from before, except of course the little eye bag beneath his eyes.

It's been long since he left this mansion, and decided to just stay away from this place that once used to be a home. "Everything's ready sir!" Gaius walked into the closet as he bowed a little, waiting for his boss's orders.

Even if the best interior designers, have designed this place twice now, Alex still felt the same. The emptiness was still in his heart. He has lived here before without her, so why is it a problem now?

Letting out a sigh, "Tell them to start moving out, I don't want the maids around anymore. You and two others can stay behind till I get back!" He sounded cold and distant. He no longer smiled or talk to anyone like few months back, he was always alone, always cold and quite.

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