

I stretched my muscles blinking my eyes open while I try to adjust it to the bright light coming from the window. I yawned staring at the break of dawn from the bed.

My eyes instinctively went to the clock, it was only a few minutes past six. I stretched a bit again before trying to get off the bed but couldn't move. I felt something heavy on my waist.

I moved the duvet and sighed. Of course it had to be Alex, I forgot he's sleeping next to me.

I tried moving his hands from my waist but I couldn't, he seemed to have tightened it. He should be awake and is going through one of his numerous phase again.

"Alex get your hands off me." I said but he only held me tighter.

"This is no way to say a good morning to your husband Hazel. I'm beggining to question your morals." He yawned to words.

Though I didn't look at him, I could feel his lazy eyes on my faces. His hot breath flicking on my neck. I gulped.

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