
Fairy 76: Conversation between Hisui and Vottes Part 1

Around the same time, when Zack begun his 'lovely' chat with Yi and Joy.

At the campsite, that Zack and Vottes has set up. Stood Hisui and Vottes, who remain at the campsite, enjoying each other company, while wating when Zack returns. 

"He's… not usually this long, did something happen?" Vottes voiced her thoughts out aloud, as she felt something is not right.

It never took Zack this long to hunt something before. Of course, there is the possibilities, that luck wasn't on his side, as no wild animals or eatable monsters are in sight.

But there also the likelihood that something unexpected happened when he was out hunting. Thinking of such a thing, Vottes suddenly recalled the other day, as her light pink eyes widen, as he recalled how Zack first returned with Hisui, as he is covered in wounds.

Thinking such a thing has happened. Vottes became uneasy, especially if Damon and his men might come back to hurt him again. If it wasn't for Hisui besides her, Vottes would have run into the forest to look for him.

"I am sure Sir Zack is fine, Vottes." Hisui, who saw through the worriedness within Vottes's light pink eyes, ensure her everything is fine. However, deep in her heart, Hisui also worried as much as Vottes is.

But she didn't show it, after all, the least thing she wants, is to make Vottes feel even more anxious she already is.

Vottes who heard Hisui's remarks, cannot help to smile bitterly, before a teasing smile floated on her lips, that made Hisui tilted her head in confusion. Vottes already knew, this 11-year-old child is trying her best to hold her inner feelings.

After all, as a princess, and a future ruler, she has been brought up, to be wise, and to remain as calm as possible in any kind of situation.

And Vottes understood this, but she doesn't want to treat Hisui E. Fiore as an adult, but as a child, of her own age.

"He properly tells you off~ You keep telling him 'sir', should I tell him~?" Vottes went with a smirk.

"I-I didn't do it intentionally… I-I am shamedly sorry…" Hisui went with a slight blush on her cheeks, but her green eyes widen, when she heard laugher from Vottes.

But before she could understand why Vottes laughing, all of the sudden, Hisui's blinked her green eyes, when Vottes who is sitting right next to her, suddenly grabbed her head, and press it towards her bountiful breasts, like a pillow.

"M-Miss Vottes…?" Hisui asked in confusion, with a bright redness to her cheeks. Even if she been hugged by Vottes before, but this is the first time, Vottes used her breasts, as a pillow against her head. That made the little girl confused.

"Hmm? What this? Calling me Miss… how could you Vis~?" Vottes went with fake tears.

"T-That… w-well…" Hisui went, not knowing what to say. And felt ashamed of the same time, while doing so.

"I am just messing with you. How cute you are Vis." Vottes went with a teasing smile, before it turned to a lonely one. Hisui looked at her while still being hugged by her breasts. It a feeling she missed, even if she doesn't understand why she missed this feeling.

It felt it happened a long time ago, properly when her mother was still alive. Or maybe the wetnurse? Who knows, she just felt instinctively she missed this feeling of this kind of affection.

But at the same time, she looked at the lonely smile on Vottes's face. And wondered if there something she could do to make her feel better. But before she could think of anything, Vottes spoke first.

"Doing this… remind me of the past." Vottes went.

"The past?" Hisui asked.

"Yeah, when I was still in the orphanage, I normally hugged them like this… some went shy, some show displeasure, but I knew they like the affection. We, and the caretakers, were all we have. Some wished to be adopted by nice people, people like me act rudely on purpose, in fear the ones adopted them, will do so with ill intentions." Vottes told.

"..." Hisui didn't say anything, and remain quiet, understanding at this moment of time, it better to listen, then say anything, to the words coming out of Vottes's heart.

"I missed those days, but I also knew no matter how much I wanted to go back, I just can't, I mean which 20-year-old woman want to returned to some orphanage? Not mention… even if I did… it still be pointless." Vottes went, as she rests her head onto Hisui's own head.

Hisui did become startled a little, but she didn't mind this. This is the first time, she experienced something like this, as she closely closed her eyes. And enjoy this affection and emotions, that not spoken with words, but by the actions of their bodies.

"In another ten minutes, if he doesn't return, we will look for him. But Vis, you must remain by myself side all the time, understood?" When Vottes said that she removed herself a little, still hugging Hisui in her arms, but her head no longer resting on Hisui's, causing the little girl in her arms to look up.

"I understand, Vottes." Hisui went with a smile, she wanted to nod her head, but a soft object pressing against her head, is stopping her.

Vottes didn't say anything, and still hugged Vottes, while she thought of the man she fallen in love with. It been 2 months since they met, as well 2 months since she fallen in love with him.

She been alone for a very long time, ever since that old wizard took her from the orphanage. No one to turned to, besides one, who ended up betraying her.

Vottes never thought she will trust someone ever again. And yet, her heartbeat wildly each time she thought of Zack. And the longing she has for him, grow stronger each passing day.

She feels like a young maiden, not a runaway. And recalling her love for him, caused her inner desires to float in her mind. The desires that properly came from her Dragon DNA as a Dragon Slayer. The desire to pushed Zack down and forced herself on him.

And yet, even if she has that desire, and become bold with her affection. She also too cowardly to act on her sexual desires, that creep from the bottom of her heart.

But that didn't stop a blush, as well a blissful smile to formed on her lips. And Hisui who saw this blushing smile, like the maiden in love Vottes is. She cannot help to stop her heart from aching for some reason.

Hisui is inexperience and too young to understand what's happening to her body or mind. Which is why she was confused at herself, when she suddenly asked: "Are you and Zack a couple?"

Vottes who heard this, as well saw the confuse and nervous look on Hisui's face. Who looked like she didn't understand why she asked this. But Vottes did, but she wasn't a spiteful person to looked at Hisui, who too young to understand many things, in a harmful way.

Instead, a gentle smile, befitting for a mother, shown on her snow-white face.

"Why you asking, maybe, you are jealous, Vis?" Vottes went, looking at Hisui in a gentle way, even if her words told otherwise. Of course, Vottes only said that to teased Hisui, who heavily blushed.

"I-I… t-that…" Seeing the little girl, who most matured, but act so shy and childish, harmed Vottes heart, as she free one of her hands, thar wrapped around Hisui, and patted Hisui's soft green hair.

"I am just teasing, Hisui, but are we…? No, we aren't. But I do love him, and my instincts as a Dragon Slayer, also told me, that he holds the same feelings for me… but it must be hard for him to accept those feelings, when he has someone else in his heart, even if wants harem himself… while more like needs one…"

Upon saying that, she cannot help to recalled the time back at that lake. She felt shame, that she pass out when she saw that 'monster' of his. Which also why a blush creep on her cheeks, along with a smile, when she recalled that time.

On the other hand, Hisui was shocked hearing Vottes's answer. She knew about Dragon Slayers, after all, she recalled reading the reports about the first sighting of Dragon Slayers in the royal count.

At that time, when the royal palace has news of the sighting of Dragon Slayers, who uses Dragon Slayer Magic, a form of Lost Magic itself. There were many reactions by the nobles.

Some seems interested, some seems disinterested, while some were actually worried. Because in the records she managed to read for herself, only times Dragon Slayers were spotted, when Dragons were still among them.

It still unknown why the Dragons enslaved or protected humanity many years ago. And many fear if the signs of the Dragon Slayers reappearance where sign of their return. Of course, as the years went past, this worried came less, but still some thought otherwise, that the Dragons, beings that equal to the Gods, could return one day.

(A/N: One thing I thought weird about the canon, is the reaction that nobles and wizards has on Dragon Wizards, when Natsu and the others first appeared. Think of it, Dragon Slayer Magic is a form of Lost Magic.

It is realistic to think, when Natsu and the others were found to be Dragon Slayers, they might think the Dragons who disappeared one day for all of the sudden, might be returning. After all, they must know from the records of Dragon Slayer Magic, that you need a real Dragon to become a Dragon Slayer, right?

So it made sense, if Fiore's nobles, not all, might be worried about the return of the Dragons, that once ruled over humanity many years ago.)

Hisui recalled her father, the King of Fiore. Told Hisui, that the most famous guild in Fiore, as well respected by her father as well, Fairy Tail, also seems to have a Dragon Slayer among them.

One day, she will very much like to meet with that Dragon Slayer personally. Of course, that will be out of pure curiosity, but soon Hisui recalled of the other thing, that made her shock.


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