
Fairy 51: The Lost Girl Part I

Later on that day, as the duo, Vottes and Zack , nothing much happened, besides Vottes failing her secret plan, to take advantage of a drunken Zack, so she could tie the knot.

And yet, Vottes has underestimated Zack's resistance against alcohol. And become the one that become drunk instead. And in her drunken state, Zack become exasperated, when she tried to kissed him in the open, or talked about how she been mentally preparing herself his 'monster' and begin to cry in frustration about this or that.

It seems when Vottes gets drunk, she the kind that get wild when she does. Of course, Zack was too busy trying to stop Vottes from stripping herself in the open, to notice that the onlookers behaviour when the drunken Vottes mention about Zack's 'monster'.

Many were curious, many were like Zack, didn't get it. And some even blushed or cursed at Zack. But he was too dense to know Vottes was talking about. And too busy to pay them any attention, as he brought Vottes her to bed. Of course, after he apologized to the owner of the inn for the trouble they cause. Who laugh it off, and envied their youth.

As Zack put the covers over the sleeping Vottes, who seems to be sleep talking in her drunken sleeping  state. Zack, who felt little dizzy from all the wine. Looked at Vottes, this dragon girl, who seems to sleep peacefully with the care of the world.

A smile appeared on Zack's lips, as he took one last glance towards her. Before he turned around and about to walk to his own bed, on the other side. But he suddenly halted in his steps, hearing the next words from the sleeping Vottes.

"Hehe… Zack… Zack… I love… you *hic*… thanks… not leaving… alone…" Hearing those words. Not only did it made Zack's heart beat like crazy, as he felt something in his throat, as his mind overthrown in blankness and chaos, not knowing what to do.

In the end, almost as if he is running away. Zack took one last look towards Vottes happy sleeping face, before he left their room. And entered the outside, feeling his head overloaded for some reason.

{Master, I advise you to take a walk, that the best way to clam down, instead of standing still.} Nightfall stated, who watched how Zack left the room in a hurry, like a kid, that unsure what to do. When he heard those words. Zack didn't say anything, and just nodded his head, trying to cleanse any unnecessary thoughts in his mind, as he roam the streets of Foglia.

The night became peaceful, as Zack were able to calm his unstable mind. As he thought about Mirajane, but also Vottes as the same time. Then Zack begin to think about the others in the guild besides Mirajane, who are a family to him.

"You know Night… another month, it will be three years since I came here." Zack went, as he meant it about to be 3 years since he came to this world. Of course, Nightfall, who seen Zack's memories, knew that.

{Is that so, Master.}

"Yeah… just thinking about the Guild." Zack honestly went.

{Guild…? Oh Fairy Tail, you must miss them, your family I mean.}

"I do, I mean, I only know them for two years. And yet, they become irreplaceable to me. Everyone in Fairy Tail, become someone important to me. Master, is like a teacher, and a grandparent. Macao and Wakaba also good giving me advice on how to be a man, how to respect others, like uncles.

Erza always there, to stop me doing something stupid. Gray even if he doesn't want to look like it, is very kind, and caring. Natsu… well, Natsu is Natsu, there ever a boring moment with him. Cana the one that understands me the most. Loke is my best friend, someone who always knows what I need and do… even if for some reason Cana and Erza told me not to listen to his nonsense, or when they stop him bringing me to this place called a brothel, was it?"

Zack went with smiles, recalling them, and their memories together.

{That Loke guy, I get a feeling with will get along very well.} Nightfall went, as Zack tilted his head, not understanding why a perverted sword will get along with Loke for. (AN: Zack has no clue, how perverted Loke is yet, he is dense and Navie after all.)

"I know right, he is interesting… shame I am not allowed to enter brothels, their food was nice." Zack went, recalling that chicken leg was heavenly, even if he has no idea, why the woman besides him was touching his arm for.

{Of course, only Master will enter such a place, just for the food service.} Nightfall went.

"Just the food service?? Do they do other things in there? I wanted to ask Erza or Cana that… but they wouldn't tell me… even Master told me off, not going there… even if he looked envied for some reason." Zack went, recalling that time.

{Master, you need to be order, I mean mentally, to understand my meaning. Anyway, calmed down yet?} Nightfall askes its Master.

"Yeah, somewhat…" Zack only said, as he recalled Vottes. As he looked into the vast dark night, that shares the same dark blue, that look black, until up close, as his hair.

'Once I am back to Fairy Tail… Vottes will join huh. A lot had change over the last two months… Vottes is getting used to her powers, as a Ice Dragon Slayer, and become stronger… even so, once I do return, there be no reason to be together… right?'

Only three reasons why Zack and Vottes are together. One to protect Vottes when Black Rivers if they shows themselves. Two to train Vottes to the best of his knowledge. And three, to escort Vottes to the guild. Once Zack do return back to the guild, there no reason why Zack and Vottes had to be together.

And to be honest, it hurts his heart a little. As he doesn't understand why it does. In these last two months, besides training, they chat, they travelled. He is not so lonely as he was in the beginning of his journey. Of course, he had Nightfall. But that sword isn't much company sometimes.

Zack knows he grown attached to Vottes. But he doesn't know how much he has, or more like he doesn't want to know how much. But still find himself near her. Since her company has become essential to him now.

As he walked down some alleyway, as he thought about Vottes, and also Mirajane, with how much he missed her. Zack wonders if Mirajane will still accepts him once they meet again. He wanted to touch her hair, he wanted her lips, and even other unknown desires that dwelled in his heart. Which sometimes feels towards Vottes, but refuse to acknowledge them.

Even if he refuses, the words that Vottes said in her drunken sleep didn't get out of his mind. As they ring again and again in his mind. As Zack sighed as he has no clue what to do with this. Then he recalled what Vottes said earlier once more.

'I hate this feeling… of not understanding something… but she's right… there still many things I need to understand. Even my feelings are no expectation. Better return back she wake up, and get worried. But if someone taken advantage of my feelings huh…'

Last thing he ever wanted, is someone dear to him, to become hurt, because of him. He doesn't want Mirajane or Vottes to hate him, but all of this made him realise, made him see, that there more to a harem, then creating one, there also the fact, one also had to manage a harem as well, after all, there no telling when a harem will break apart.

And when a harem does break apart, it wouldn't be pretty either. Which is why Zack sigh, as he lack so much understandings about harems, and other such things. More he thinks he knew, only more he find out he didn't. like an endless pit, no matter how much he digs out, there also more to take out.

"How do one mange a harem…?" Zack went out loud, as he looked into the night sky. Of course, Nightfall heard Zack's words, but he remain quiet, knowing this is something his master must figure out himself. He must mature more and more to understand what he want in life.

Then Zack recalled God's words, the one that sent him into this world.

'Give the one before me, the most love. Even if I love someone else more. Be honest, and fairy… don't become a cheater. I thought I understood God's meaning… it seems I still lacking… I just don't want anyone dear to me to be hurt or hurt each other. That is why I need to be honest. After all, it is impossible to love everyone equally.'

'But the last I can do for their feelings, is to love them with all my heart, give them my everything. As they do the same for me… fairness… honesty. But how many I am capable of loving? How many I am capable of supporting? What if I don't return what they want? And only hurt them more in the progress?'

Zack thought all this, as he felt his heart ached, trying to think of the future, and how should he respond to his future lovers. A sigh same out of Zack's lips, as he felt he understood nothing about harems yet again.

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