
Fairy 38: Magic Stone Tracker

After venting out everything and telling Zack her life story. Zack felt endlessly rage dwelling inside him, when he had to see and hear how she suffer unfair injustice over the years on the run.

The last time Zack felt this way, was when he dealt with that Lovely wizard over a year ago. Zack calm his raging heart, before it clouded his mind, as he pushes the ragging feelings inside him to the depths of his heart.

After all, he doesn't want to make this girl, who now sitting besides him. To feel any kind of discomfort or worry.

When Vottes done with her life story. Like Nightfall stated before, Vottes just realised, after all this time, she has been in her underclothing, and nothing else! She basically been half-naked before the young man all this time!

Her cheeks redden, and shame washed all over her body. As she lowered her head, avoiding the confuse looks of Zack, who doesn't understand what's she doing.

Of course, when Vottes also realised, that Zack has no lust dwelling within his eyes, when he looked at her. And when he does look at her body, that can melt the desires of men, and some women as well. Zack only checked her wounds, and shows no interest in her bountiful breasts behind her bra, or her thin and flawless legs.

Vottes felt both happy and disappointed at the same time. She is happy because, the man before her, Zack, shown no lust, making him different to other men she knew of. That always looked at her body with unhealthy gazes, that seems want to strip her naked before their eyes.

And yet, as she should be happy not have that kind of lustful gaze from Zack. For some reason, as she doesn't understand herself, she also felt disappointed at the same time. Almost as if she has no womanly charm in the eyes of this young man besides her.

One had to remember, Vottes never experienced love, she always been on the run, being hunted down by those that wanted her body, or her genes as an Ice Dragon Slayer.

When she was at the orphanage, she was too young to understand what love between a man and a woman meant.

And when she was a kidnapped girl, who was forced to go under countless experiments of becoming an Ice Dragon Slayer.

Because of this, Vottes's experience in the matters of the maiden's heat is next to zero, making her unsure what to make out the complex feelings she is currently experiencing.

After that realisation of her being half naked all this time. Vottes ask, or more like begged the dense Zack for something to cover herself with. Zack who overlooked Nightfall's outburst of laughter, which annoyed him for some reason.

Went to fetch all their belongs they had left behind, in the room where they encounter the Minot Brothers in the first place.

As for the three brothers? When Zack went out to bring their belongings. He carried the three brothers outside and tied them together at some tree. Honestly, Zack knew tying them in the middle of the forest, where monsters roam might be an unwise idea, since they have a high risk of being eaten by monsters.

And yet, was it really any of Zack's concern, if those third-rate villains were eaten alive by monsters? He honestly doesn't care. And after fetching back their belongings, Zack went outside once again to hunt down a monster looking wild boar for their dinner.

And just like Natsu, Vottes happily wolf down the meat before her. It is very common among Dragon Slayers to like, or more like love to eat meat. And Vottes is no exception of that either.

Seeing the young Ice Dragon Slayer enjoying her meat in a somewhat cute and lovely way. Zack smiled seeing she is enjoying his meat he has cook for her and sat beside her. And beginning to eat as well.

Between their meal, the two young adults begin to talk. Vottes askes Zack's name, and informed Zack of her current goals, of both joining Fairy Tail, and asking help from the guild of the issue with why does Black Rivers Dark Guild keep finding her.

"Sure, it will be pleasant seeing you at the guild, if you join us. I am sure, everyone will welcome you with opened arms. And I am sure Master, our guild master, must knew a thing or two why they keep finding you." Zack honestly went, as he looked at Vottes, who smiled when their eyes met.

"Yes… I was thinking about it… I-I… still find it hard to trust others… since I am not used to trusting others… since the last person before you, who I trusted, betrayed me. But I trust you! I mean, even after learning about my bounty, and that I am a wanted person from the underworld.

Instead of avoiding me or betraying me. You stayed on my side… nor you look at me with either greed or lust. Still… even if I wanted to trust you… deep in my heart, I know there be doubts… after all, to me, trusting others is a very hard thing.

But joining Fairy Tail, because I wanted protection and a way to find why they always seems to find me, no matter where I am, isn't the only reasons why I wanted to join. For starters… I feel if everyone in the guild is like you, Zack, I might could trust others again.

Those that are selfish, but also selfless at the same time. They sound like interesting people. And… if I do join, also means I have more chances of seeing and talking to you like this."

When Vottes said that, with her cheeks redden, and a lovely smile, that could melt the hearts of anyone looking at it. Even Zack, the one that had to take the blunt force of that smile up close, is no exception.

However, as soon Zack felt moved by her beautiful smile, that could freeze anyone's heart. Mirajane's face popped in his head, along with the memories of them talking, and even the time they share a kiss in the rain, before he left Fairy Tail and Town of Magnolia.

Even if Zack somewhat wants a harem. And beginning to understand what a harem is. However, knowing what a harem is, and being inside a harem. Are two different things. Zack has no clue what it meant to love and share his affection between more than one woman.

Not to mention, to Zack, Mirajane means more than his own life. She is his first love, someone who is very important to him. Which is why, when Zack who blankly looked at Vottes, who moved his heart, doesn't understand why Mirajane's face suddenly shown itself inside his mind for.

Because of that, many complicated and newfound emotions and feelings begin to dwell inside his heart and mind.

While Zack felt his heart and mind went to war with each other, and overloading his own emotions, that he never experienced before. Vottes looked at the shock and blank look on Zack's face, and for some reason, she felt both shy and proud knowing she caused that look on his face.

Vottes's smile grow deeper, as she felt her heart beating even more wilder yet again. As she stared at the young man's face, before she opened her mouth.

"So, since I am going to join Fairy Tail, I was hoping you could take me there. To be honest, until you told me. I never heard of such a guild before." Vottes asked, since she is not from Fiore herself, so of course, Vottes has no clue or idea what or where Faily Tail is.

Zack, who heard her offer, was about to agree, even if she hasn't asked him to. After all, there no way Zack will leave a wounded young woman alone, not to mention alone to face her unfair situation, of being hunted down by the underworld bounty hunters alone.

Not to mention, Zack doesn't think it was a bad idea to pop in at his guild, reason with Makarov, about Vottes's situation, as well greet everyone over there, and even Mirajane as well. After all, he misses his family. Once he made sure Vottes settle in and sees how his new family doing.

Zack will once more set off to his training journey, to become stronger. However, when Zack thought of that, with a smile, and about to tell her, he is more than happy to take her there. Zack just realised something he never once thought about.

It is something that Zack never even think about over the half year he has been training, camping, and even fighting monsters all this time.

And because he just realised this, like a broken robot, Zack slowly turned and looked into Vottes's confused link pink eyes, that looked worryingly at Zack, with his suddenly reaction and odd body behaviour.

Sorry for the grammar, and thanks for reading.

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