
 Chapter 5: Classes Gathering

"It's so hot today…"

I don't know how many times I have uttered these words this summer. Nevertheless, it can't be helped that hot things will stay that way. Even though it gets even hotter just by saying it, we still need to. Just complaining within yourself will endlessly increase the pent-up stress. The only ones rejoicing the intense heat would probably be the cicadas. Speaking of which, this time I ended up being dragged into an unusually rare event. Though I use the word event, just knowing the details of it may stir up a strong sense of antagonism in male students, probably. However, there is also trouble mixed in as well. Well, let's start from the beginning.

A little distance from the dorm, there was a road lined with trees on both sides leading up to the school. If you went off-road, you could reach a rest area. Right now, I was standing there. There was several benches and vending machines set up. The view from this place was also good. No wonder there was a never-ending flow of students here during early spring. This was a perfect place for a little break or some idle talk. However, right now it was deserted, with nobody in sight. It's could say it's due to the heat. It was the rare off-season for students. That is also why it's the most suitable place to hold a secret meeting.

"Kept you waiting."

Sitting at the bench, the person I was waiting for was walking from the direction of the dorm. Blocking out the harsh sun with her hand, she was looking up at the sky.

"So hot…"

Leaking out the same impression I have, the Class D student, Karuizawa Kei sat down next to me. Her long ponytail shook. Her clothing were an unusually casual jeans and a simple shirt. Nevertheless, it didn't feel shoddy at all even for a weekend. From what I could see, they were chosen to match her so she looked really nice in them. No matter how hot it was, style was still number one for girls so it must be hard.

"Sorry for taking up your time with this sudden call."

"You sarcastic? I have used up too many points having fun during summer vacation already so I've only been in my room lately for your info."

"Do you have plans for tomorrow?"

"You can't do anything without money after all. Probably just sleeping?"

Her summer must have been a really self-indulgent one.

"You should get a lot of points next month right, there is also the results from that exam."

During the exam which took place on that boat, Karuizawa, who was chosen as VIP, collaborated with me and managed to hide her identity until the end. She should be getting 500.000 points as a reward at the start of September for that.

"Well sure. That's why I've bought all the clothing and the accessories I wanted. But, is it okay just spending all the points like that? Isn't better to save some?"

"You have enough self-control then?"

I asked a bit mischievously. She puffed up her cheeks then glared at me.

"That is… not easy. Whenever I end up spending them, they last less that one week I guess."

Karuizawa raised her hands, counting down the things she wanted with her fingers. All her fingers were bent down in no time at all. How many things did she wish for again?

"It's not that I'm not thinking at all you know. Even I know how precious the private points are. The school system is kinda weird right. You receive like exaggeratedly many points during the special exams. The others are also perplexed about it."

I see, it seems the suspicion has finally spread among the regular students. If you receive large amounts of money, of course you will be wary. Asking themselves why the school would do this. Then they will understand. That these points are not only used to fulfil one's private desires or benefits.

"Yeah, suddenly giving out 1-2 million points worth of money."

"That's it, is it fine handing over so much money to high schoolers? That's definitely not normal."

Most of the points will probably be necessary to "survive" at this school. Having realised this, Karuizawa was hesitating on whether it was fine to spend them from now on. This is just an example but if you were in a situation where you would be expelled, there may be an implied chance that one could use those private points to nullify it. Following this, having a few million points as insurance couldn't be underestimated.

"There's no use thinking too much over this. Thinking too far ahead and forgetting to satisfy one's desires is also bad. It's enough if you save 10-20% of your monthly points."

It was important to maintain a balance between desire and moderation else you will break. Especially for Karuizawa who had been spending her points freely until now. Sealing her desires so suddenly was bad, I judged. There is also the fact that if her daily life suddenly changed, her surroundings may also be affected. If a girl who had been scattering money started living in frugality, her class may get suspicious. She may have a connection with me but it's still far too early to let others know.

"Well then, there is one thing I want to request of you."

"… You don't have an apology for someone you called out on this hot day?"

"Is this fine?"

I handed her a plastic bottle with tea that I just bought, but still yet had to drink. She hesitated a little, but took it reluctantly in the end.

"It's lukewarm though…"

"Well, we have this weather to thank for that."

It seems the most affected areas already had recorded temperatures over 40 degrees. I'm getting sweaty just from hearing the digits. Thirsty, the displeased Karuizawa opened the bottle.

"Ugh, this one is a loser."

"A loser? I'm sure teas don't include lotteries with it?"

"That joke's no fun you know? I meant how hard it's to open."

I see… That was certainly not a fun misunderstanding. Stretching out my hands, I took the bottle and twisted the cap a bit, then handed it back to her.


After that incident on the boat, the distance between me and Karuizawa had been shortened. Otherwise, this was a conversation unheard of. The events leading up to this had surely made her discontent and distrustful towards me, but she didn't show much of it. She was familiar with controlling herself. That meant she was doing whatever she could to protect herself no matter what and adapting to her environment.

"Tomorrow is the last day of summer vacation. A friend of mine wanted to create some summer memories so I was invited."

"What do you mean by summer memories? This school doesn't have fireworks, festivals or anything right?"

"They should have a pool at least. The swimming club usually has the privilege to use it, but that has been lifted from today on you know?"

It was a pool even larger than the one being used during school lessons. For the last three days of the summer vacation, it was transformed to a community pool that everyone could use. After the first day where a crowd of students rushed for the pool, entry was being regulated. During these three days, you could only enter only once. The first two days were over, crowded even today.

"Ah, now that you mention it. But I'm not interested in swimming though."

Karuizawa had been continually feigning illness during swimming lessons. Though it may be a school using a point based system making skipping classes hard, they couldn't look into the health issues of the student, especially the ambiguous issues of girls. Thus the girls were refusing lessons constantly, except for Karuizawa who was always absent. Their reasons for not swimming were varied. Feeling ill, not wanting others to know that one aren't able to swim, hating swimming, not wanting to show skin to the opposite sex, bad style etc. Most of them were using these kind of excuses. However, for Karuizawa, the reason differed. Thinking of this problem, she was facing the other way drinking her tea. She had been cruelly bullied by students from the other class earlier receiving a bruise on her side. The bruise still hurt from time to time. If seen, she would surely be getting a lot of attention.

"Do you like swimming itself?"

"Hmm-… I don't hate it I think. I haven't swum for years so I may have forgotten how to."

She vaguely responded. But I could see that this wasn't her true feelings.

"So, you guys want to create some memories at the pool? Just aiming for some erotism?"

I can't deny that. No, that is actually the whole reason I think.

"So, what does that have to do with me?"

"Before that— let me ask you a question. Does the school really not know about you being bullied?"


The, up until now, unusually modest Karuizawa showed a dubious face. Facing me, she started glaring at me. I stared back in return.

"You know that I'm not very fond of that topic right?"

"I'm not bringing it up without any reasons. I am asking because it concerns our next topic."


This must be a heavy topic for her. It won't be easy making her understand, but before I had a chance to convince her, she seemed to have accepted it.

"Alright, I'll trust what you have to say. Besides, you must have some reasons after all."

She seemed to have done her best, digesting the antagonism.

"The truth behind me being bullied. If I have to choose between them knowing or not, I don't think they do. They may know about my absence or the many breaks during middle school, but they might only see that as me being sick or skipping classes? Ah, and rather than bullying, they may rather believe it was due to me being dumb. So that's maybe why I was put in Class D."

An answer filled with self-reproach. Her reason for being in Class D should be something like that, I presumed. The effect of a bad impression due to her absences and low academics. Her arrogant attitude in high school was because she wanted to break off from the bullying. I don't think being bullied is the reason for her being in Class D.

"Though the school may investigate the bullying, they won't find anything I guess."

"Even you should know that the world is stupendously rotting, right?"

"That's right…"

"I have indeed been bullied and suffered for many years. I have asked for help from my teachers and classmates. But it has only resulted in more suffering for my part…. There was nobody helping me from the crushing reality. Far from it, the bullying grew worse."

The bullying was deeply rooted. It has a strong tendency to fall into a vicious cycle. Lots of people watch the news, feel bad and keenly realise that bullying doesn't have an easy solution. Even if a wave is pulling back, another bigger wave will come, assaulting the victim yet again.

"No matter how worn out I was, the school wouldn't so easily acknowledge the bullying so they didn't even try to help. At best, they lightly warned the bullies. So the bullying grew even worse, you know?"

It was a vexing topic alright. Why did you tattle to the school, what are you scheming, they will say and severely punish her. Even if the school acknowledges the bullying, typically, in most cases, it will be dealt with in secret. The school doesn't want a bad reputation for having a bullying problem. There were cases in which some stubborn schools didn't acknowledge that fact even after the bullied victims left behind their suicide note and ended their lives. But what's even harder is that there are no salvation even after death. People will mock them, laugh at them and even spread tales about them as if it was a heroic saga on social networks. It was the fearful era in which you continued to be bullied even after death.

"My good classmates replied that they didn't know about the bullying, the school, the bullies or me. This was their forced answer. No matter how unjust the reality was."

That's it, she ended as if speaking about someone else. For Karuizawa Kei, this was a past she couldn't change, and a past she would never change. In fact, this school had probably investigated her thoroughly, only concluding that she was frivolous, tardy and an airhead. If not only her surroundings, but also the school matched their stories, it would never come forth. If true, the truth may never prevail over the lies.

"But still I'm thankful. Towards the ones who bullied me and the school which hid that fact."

It wouldn't be strange for her to think about her cruel past and cry, but she looked to the future and continued.

"Everyone here doesn't know who I am. That is why I was able to find a new me. That would probably not have happened if they had knew."

Overturning her bad situation by herself by obtaining the popular Hirata.

"Karuizawa, I honestly want to praise you, but there is something else I need to tell you first. Assisting in bullying others is now forbidden."

"Ha? You say I'm bullying someone?"

"Being headstrong is good and all, but haven't you been targeting Sakura lately? It's obvious that she isn't the kind of girl who would bully you. Even though you are doing it to prevent becoming a victim yourself, don't join them."

I reminded her with a warning. No matter what past she has, there are things she can and cannot approve of doing.

"Sakura-san heh? You want to help her because she is so attached to you?"

"Do I need a reason? You should know rather well how it is to be on the victim's side."

"As for me, this position is my lifeline. It's not something I can carelessly throw away. I feel bad for Sakura-san, but the weak exist because the strong do. Especially for those pretending like me."

If I'm going to get bullied, I'll bully first. If there was something I could read from her resolution, this was it.

"It's for her sake. She has been helping me a lot after all."

"…Hmm. You sure admitted it quickly."

Dissatisfaction or discontent could't be seen in her eyes. Only wariness.

"My words may not sound very convincing for you but… alright. I will be careful from now on. Is that all?"

"I'm glad you understand. Besides, you already have Hirata to secure your position. It won't be threatened for now."

"It's true that I may have been overdoing it."

As long as she can see herself objectively, there's no need to worry.

"But if my position happen to be in danger…"

"Then I will back you up. If necessary, I will bring Hirata and Chabashira-sensei to your side and eliminate your enemies. This is a promise."

"Hmm… then it's a deal."

She was never the kind of person who would resort to violence or intimidation in the first place. She may say so, but to me it seemed like she acted the role to protect herself. The victim of bullying would usually have a hard time socialising, but she seems to have overcome the pain, the owner of a strong mind. This I could be certain of since she wouldn't yield to my threats that time.

"I wonder why…?"

"What is it?"

"No, you see. I don't like to dig up my past. Letting others know is also a no. Still, I ended up telling you, and it was so easy that it surprised me."

It seems that was a mystery to her. Of course that also applies to me.

"Can I ask you something? Is this how you really are?"

Karuizawa asked cautiously, being the only one in our class who have seen my two sides. But what she was asking for was surprisingly hard for me to answer. I crossed my arms wondering how to respond.

"I am always like this, I suppose."

"You are totally different!"

That's true, but it isn't strictly false either. It's a bit different from faking a personality.

"Just for reference, what is the difference between how I am usually and how I am now?"

"You are usually kinda dark and gloomy and a person who doesn't speak. But now you are very assertive and direct. You really stand out since they contrast each other. The way you speak is also different. What's with you anyway?"

"Let's see… isn't that just like how people are different when there are people around?"

If I had to choose the most fitting answer, this would be it. But it still felt like it missed something. I, as a human being, had frankly "just been born". My personality began to form only since my enrollment in the school, it was still not solid. It takes time to solidify itself, especially regarding how to connect with people. I still don't know the right way to express myself.

"Anyway, I plan on being myself as always."

"I am asking because you don't look like you are."

Karuizawa narrowed her eyes, pouting her lips looking dissatisfied.

"Anyway, back to the topic. You can watch me from now on and see for yourself what kind of human I am."

"It feels like you are evading the question but yeah… What's up with the pool then?"

"Tomorrow, the four of us, me, Ike, Yamauchi, Sudou and Horikita, Sakura, Kushida are planning on going out."

"A really strange combination. I can't image Horikita and Sakura joining. Well, you are joining so there must be something, but I still can't see how. They are going to be ogled at right? My condolences."

The girls would usually never come even if invited, that was clear as a day. That was indeed a troublesome factor. It's no wonder she felt something was amiss.

"Anyway, I want you to come to the pool and join them."

"Ha!? Are you serious!?"

She didn't have any connections with that group… no, joining them would be too unnatural due to her bad relationship with them.

"You can just change at the dorm and wear something over. It will be a bit unpleasant, but you can return back the same way."

"No no, that's not the problem, that's really unpleasant you know?"

"I can sympathise with you, but do you really have the right to refuse?"

"Wow, you are the worst—"

"No matter what you say, it's already set in stone. I will have you move as instructed."

After finishing what I had to say, I took a handwritten note and handed it to her forcibly.

"I'm showing some consideration alright."

"Showing some consideration, what's up with that? I will be restricted for the whole day won't I? On the last day of summer too!"

"Didn't you say you were going to sleep in your room earlier? Can't see any problems here."

She herself said it so it can't be denied.

"I want you to join, but I didn't ask you to accompany them."

Not understanding the meaning of what I said, she read the written note closely.

"What is the difference…?"

"That is—"

I couldn't explain in details why I summoned her in the first place. Karuizawa, having listened to me until the very end seemed to have gotten a headache, cradling her head in her hands.

"What is it? You having a headache?"

"Of course it hurts, why, it's them after— no, nothing, it's meaningless even if I ask."

She seemed to imply that it would be pointless to ask.

"Why don't you ask Horikita-san? Aren't you close?"

"I can't ask her. She doesn't know that I am working in the background, you see."

"Eh? Why?"

That's a natural response. Though clearing that up is a bit hard. Clearly, the right answer is to evade then mislead. However, towards her, I decided to take our relationship one step further.

"The fact that I came in contact with you on the boat is caused by me acting independently the whole time, including now. The reason I cannot tell her is because I cannot fully trust her yet."

I told her everything clearly with no falsehood.

"Eh? You don't trust her despite spending so much time together? That's weird."

"That is because she is a splendid cover for me. She is standing out on her own."

"So you are only using her?"

"That's not the right term, but it may be appropriate for this situation."

"Hmm? I don't understand it but… Can you stop with those subtle nuances of yours?"

She objected while smiling, showing her white teeth.

"…But the plans have been successful until now right. I always thought Horikita-san was the one coming up with and executing them. Who the heck are you anyway?"

I assume, to her, my existence was a mystery.

"Oh well. being more trusted than Horikita is not a bad thing."

Indeed. That is not exactly wrong. Karuizawa has something that Horikita lacks, which is why I can tell her but not the latter.

"I just have to follow your orders, right?"

"Good. Now that this problem is settled, for this event, can I ask you to accompany me for a bit? We need to set up a few things beforehand."

"I don't have any veto power, right? Roger."

Implying that she wanted it done as fast as possible, she stood up and dusted off dirt from her rear. I don't want to waste any time either so we headed for the pool facilities together.

Next chapter