
Is it Even A Party With Caroline?

"Oh…I am sorry. We moved here four years ago….I know her stuff was here, But we packed it all up, and took Mr. and Mrs Salvatore to the Salvatore House."

"Stefan Salvatore?" Caroline asked.

"Yes….That's the one, I keep forgetting the name!" She waved a finger in Caroline's face.

"His wife?" She was surprised.

When did he get married and to whom?

The last time she was there, Elena and Damon were going to be the ultimate couple.

"I….don't remember her name." She told Caroline, "She is blonde, medium height…..To think of it, I think her name is Valarie."

"Valarie?" Caroline yelped. "Who is Valarie?"

Caroline who knew everything about Mystic Falls, but now.....

"Yeah…They live with the other Salvatore couple and their daughter, Rose."

"Daughter?" This was a bigger shock.

Damon Salvatore couldn't have children..he was a vampire! Or was he?

"Okay….Thank you."

Caroline started to walk down the steps. She had almost forgotten about Klaus.

The thing she couldn't understand was where her mother was.

"Caroline….Are you okay?" He asked. "Are you….are you okay?"

"I…" She couldn't get the words out. "I need answers!"

He waited. Patiently.

"We have to go to Stefan's."

She was in such a hurry, she disappeared at the end of the street. Klaus Mikaelson followed.

A little worried. Everything was very suspicious.


He heard her screams.


Klaus Mikaelson saw Caroline break down the door of the Salvatore House, it got in her way, and she threw it across the street angrily.


No one answered.

"Maybe, nobody's here!" Klaus suggested.

Caroline was using her vampire hearing.

"I hear something…."

She heard it clearly. How could she not recognize who it was? She had lived with people for almost all her life.

"I can find them…"

Klaus Mikaelson and Caroline Forbes finally found everyone.

Everyone. In the Mystic Falls Park. Everyone was there. Everyone she had loved. She still did.

They were happy...A celebration was going on.

A celebration without her. Without Caroline Forbes?

The swollen tears fell from her eyes and rolled down her cheeks.


Klaus looked at her, hating those tears.

"They are…."

She cried. She wept. If there had been any vampire there, they would have heard her.

"I'm…sorry…." Klaus hugged her, she was breaking. "You want to get the hell out of here?"

He wanted to go away from the place that was killing her.

"No…" She wiped her tears fiercely. "I need answers."

He nodded. Understanding.

Caroline walked up to the crowd. Even in her misery and sadness, she could see the party wasn't very well organized. She scoffed at the arrangement.


She looked around. Heads started to turn.


She heard gasps. Klaus could feel her tremble. He stood behind her. Holding her arm.


"Caro…" He froze.

Stefan froze. So did the rest of the party.

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