
Side Story 4. Endless Journey - 16

"What the hell?!"

That was Rina's first reaction when the article came out. Her eyes were opened wide, and then narrowed down. The restaurant was supposed to be a place reporters and paparazzi couldn't access, because many celebrities frequent that place. Just like the apartment where Bassena's penthouse was located, it was considered a safe haven for high-profile people.

It was also weird that she had them following her. Yes, she was active in entertainment aside from her esper job. Yes, she was the PR face of Trinity. But she was not in her heyday, and Trinity was not in the middle of making a huge wave or something--unlike during the reclamation. There was no papz following her in forever, so it was weird that they found her at that exact moment when she was having dinner with this man for the first--and hopefully last--time.

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