
Side Story 3. Stellar Blossom - 32

"Oh, my...aren't you looking dashing!"

Laurel clasped her hands when Han Joon arrived at the dining room. The enthusiastic response made him feel a little bit self-conscious. Honestly, he had no idea what he looked like since he refused to look into the mirror--it was just too weird for him to look at the adult version of himself. He didn't always do this too--having his hair styled. It was just...he wanted to look at his best when the red boy--umm...man--was there.

After all, Radia wasn't always there during breakfast, although he did come every day. Laurel said Radia had a hard time waking up, so he usually just had breakfast on the way to work. But Laurel, Calix, and, of course, Ludya were always there during breakfast, and it was nice to eat with people who told him to call them his family.

"Come, come--sit here," Laurel patted the chair beside her, which Joon took shyly with gratitude--because it was right in front of Radia.

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