

"What? Why didn't you tell me that earlier hays" Raven started to scratch his head as a sign of him thinking deeply about what to choose of the three choices the guardian spirit had given him.

'Think Raven Light. What do I choose should I go for a spirit contract it would be good and I'm not like any other person who liked to abuse others, but it is just a middle spirit, even though it's strong, it would still be weaker than the guardian spirit himself and, for the second choice itself I have no intention of choosing that, it was just a lend and I can't guarantee a certain someone would take it if the situation arises that would be a double edge sword if I'm in a mission and it's not like I can control the elemental hands that easily in its full power just seeing it right now its a no, nono for me, even though the affinity is good as its merit I could just practice my second form I think it could give me the same benefit than the 2nd choice the guardian spirit gave me. Then the final choice is good to begin, who doesn't want an increase in mana and it giving me a random skill may be an affinity too, hehe, the only downside is how much mana my body can absorb and the luck of gaining skill and affinity well theirs no used in thinking let's just choose this is a free meal so let's go with a bang " Raven was engrossed of his thinking that he again forgot that the guardian spirit could read his mind if you look at the guardian spirit himself you would see him trying to stop his lough and shaking controllably from what raven's deep thinking.

"Well you think too much, boy " the guardian spirit was interested in Raven, and after knowing what Raven thinks he was also been amazed by his determination and fighting spirit to not back down even though he was weak.

"Ahh sorry about that mister guardian spirit. Well, I choose the third option."

"Hmmm, I will warn you boy this will hurt a little bit, you aren't afraid of pain, don't you?" The guard jokingly scared Raven but deep inside the guardian thought, once Raven says no, he will infuse the mana quickly to not make raven regret saying no.

"Huh, Pain is my middle name. So come.." Raven raised his voice confidently.

As the guardian spirit raised his hands on top of Raven's head, uncontrollable and colorful mana appeared in his hands that shot down to Raven's entire body, making his bones make a cracking sound together with his voice yelling in pain.

"Nimaaaa..... you.. said....a..li....ttle...a little pa.ahhh..pain"

"Well, this is a little pain for us spirits hahaha, but I know you can handle it. Just bear and think about it boy, as long as there is pain, your body will improve together with your mana capacity, and the more pain you will have more chance of gaining a skill hehe" the guardian spirit sat down in front of Raven while his hands still at the top of ravens head while he was greening and releasing mana on ravens body.

"Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh....aaaahhhhhhh..!#$#$$% you guardian..." he was shouting while floating in the air in pain and can't move at all the bones in his body were cracking endlessly liked there is no stopping the pain.

'Nima it hearts so much guardian spirit if I survived this will fight to the death with you cursed...@#%$ you shit how much time do I need to endure this

"Hmm, if your asking for how long you'll need to endure, then I'll be happy to let you know about 10 hours hahaha" as the giant again read' ravens mind. He can't stop but laugh uncontrollably while answering ravens deep questions in his mind.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh... $%%#@ you ...." Raven can't stop cursing the guardian spirit because of his answer.

As raven groan in pain, the mana entering his body was totally change him entirely. His bones become stronger, as strong as a diamond and his skin became thicker and whiter. He also increased his height to 5'7, again increasing to 6'3. He became even taller with his blue eyes becoming more deep blue and hair becoming longer until to his waist.


"Hays this kid keeps shouting. It's hurting my ears can't you keep your silence, well you humans are weak after all hays..."


After ten hours of pain, the torture finally stops. The guardian spirit withdraws his hands from Raven's head and claps his hands for Raven's perseverance...

"Hahahaha, boy your amazing you can sing that loud for ten hours you exceeded my expectations of you, haha you have my awe and clap of spirit haha" the guardian spirit clapped his hands loudly and laughed wildly.

"Nima you said it only hurts a little bit. Why the fuck that it hurts like hell are you torturing me ha, I can't even lose my consciousness in that torture or it would be a waste"

" huh, who said that you can't lose consciousness? I didn't say you can't haha"

"Are you for real right now? You, you huck me up on that torture" he pointed his finger at the guardian spirit because of his grievance, he can't say more because he didn't ask, he just thought that he couldn't.

"Darn you...."

"Well, look at the bright side your know stronger and has a good mana capacity. haha"

"You... nima forget it, Show status"

Name: Raven

#@** name:

Level: 1(can't level up)

Sex: male

Title: none

Hp: 500

Mp: 750


Strength: 50 / Stamina: 65 / Agility: 50 / Intelligence: 250 / Perception: 75 / Luck: 25

(Available SP: 0)

Passived: genius(locked), 2*#@!$(locked).


God *#$%@#@ SPEED (???) (18% awaken)

@#$ @#$%&*@ eyes (???)(1% awaken)

@ #$ @#$%&*@ talk (???) (1%awaken)

Tinker level 4

skill: fireball, lightning gauntlet, ice arrow, earth wall

Evaluation:(The dragon is still sleeping, what does your heart desire, what can you exchange for your desire)

Trials: first trial accomplish grade S

Second trial---

Third Trial -

Ability information:

God *#$%@#@ SPEED (???) (18% awaken)

[ First form sprint -3 mana

Your speed will be doubled in 2 minutes.

You'll have a 5% boost in your senses.

Second form transcendence speed - 10 mana

You can transform into a speedster with the power to control lightning around you, your senses will be boosted by 50%, agility 50%, control 35%, and to all stats +20 after the second form has been activated for 15mins.

Third form teleport - 15mana

You can instantly travel to any place you've been.]

"Well, don't you like it, even though you're just a human, you already surpass others from your memories information it should be around S class mana that absorbs and from your physic I would say around B rank physical strength. Boy, you even obtained 4 skills of mind when I was a middle-level spirit, you got so much luck in you hahaha" even though the guardian spirit was laughing he was actually surprised that Raven absorb that vast amount of mana and obtain four skills at the same time.

"Seriously, that much improvement? He.he. haha, finally my luck exploded ah thanks to the heavens for such a blessing" Raven already had forgotten what happen and was in such a good for the mana and physical improvement now he really doesn't need to worry about mana when using his speed forms amor get one shot by an enemy above b rank he can finally really go to raid even though he didn't level up the improvement he obtained was already so much.

"I still have trials two and three with this. I think I can improve more wait for me uncle, to help you and father I'll make both of you proud your son already qualified as a hunter I'll break that prison for you" he gripped his hands with confidence and vigor. He didn't forget the guardian spirits' help and was really thankful for such a gift that was given to him.

" Thank you guardian spirit I'm really grateful for this opportunity and I Raven won't forget this help even though it's my reward, it was still too much, but I thank you" Raven smiled at the spirit guardian.

"Hmm, now you have obtained your reward you need to leave the floating island. It was wonderful meeting a human like you if the may the spirit king guides and protect you boy"

"I will see you again haha" Raven smiled at the spirit and turned around. "System, I 'm ready for the next trial."


[Opening the gate for the next trial..]

[Ding... the participant may now enter for the next trial]

As Raven walked toward the gate of the next trial, the guardian spirit watched his back with a smile and thoughts that Raven don't know. As he entered the gate and disappeared, the guardian spirit finally said his peace.

"I'm expecting more from you boy.. let me see what you can do. Don't let me down" he smiled before he disappeared from where he was sitting.

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