
A New Foe

"And who might this handsome man be?"  The last remaining student asked with a sly grin, her tone flirtatious.

Her name was Lucy, she was a friendly and outgoing student from the second year, known for her amiable personality. She had long curly hair that cascaded down her back and was a little shorter than Sophia.

Nyla's eyes narrowed as she heard Lucy's flirty tone directed toward Rio.

With a positive stride, she stepped forward to show her sovereignty over her man. She reached out and took off the boy's masquerade with intimate action, revealing his handsome face.

Seeing it was their own classmate, their astonished face became dazed. The group of students stared at the boy in disbelief, eyes widening with astonishment. They couldn't believe that the boy who had joined their class was capable of fighting so many black-stage beasts with such ease as if it was just a normal animal from their earth.

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