

Enjoy your day guys.

Riley was at a location where they wanted to shoot movie. The place they were shooting the movie was a ruler area, so they had to travel down there. It was Riley and her members that came there together, and just arrived couple of minutes ago.

Riley was at one of the rooms, sitting on a high chair and applying makeup for by the makeup artist. They had been preparing for the shooting.

A cute young man entered into the room, going to Riley. He was Riley's personal assistant. He was the one that always used to attend to all activities and made sure they went well. The name of the young man was MUHAMMED. He was cool and gentle man. It was because of his coolness that was why he was able to work with Riley, because Riley was difficult to work it.

"Ma, the Director said you should fast that the shooting is about to start" Muhammad said gently.

"I am not the one you supposed to talk to. It's this unsmarts makeup artist. She is too slow and irritating" Riley was so proud, arrogant and insulting.

"I am sorry ma, I am almost done" the lady said in cool tone.

"Please, be fast" Muhammad said in calm voice to the makeup artist, and going out. Riley was pressed her phone and looking at the makeup artist inside the mirror with terrible look.

Some minutes later, Riley came out from the room and the makeup artist had done with her makeup. Muhammad walked to her as she came out, gave her the script that she could read. It was Muhammad and a young lady that were working for Riley. The young lady was a massager. She was the one that Riley used to send an errand.

"Miss Riley, the shooting is about to start, please get ready" the Director on that site said. He was standing at the front of Riley.

"It's you that should be ready, I am ready please" Riley said loudly.

"And Director, I'm not spending night in this local area you brought me to. So be fast, and let me take my leave" said with arrogance.

"Normally it is a day shooting we came here for, it's city we will continue the rest---"

"Better" Riley said as the Director was talking. The man just looked at her, turned back to others. It was all of them in industry that had known how she behaves.

"So, since all of us are ready. Let's start" the Director said loudly.

"Scene one of MY LOVE, get ready and action!" the Director said loudly. The camera man and others had got ready, and they had started captured the movement.

'I am coming, wait for me' Riley said, and acting.

'Hey! Young lady, who are you?' the young man that who act together with Riley said, and walking closer to her.

"Who is this? Who is this upcoming that you said I should be acting with" Riley said loudly with arrogance.

"Cut! Cut!!" The director said. He and Muhammad walked to where Riley was.

"Miss Riley, what is the problem? What happened---?"

"What foolish question is that? How can I will be acting with an 'upcoming' what rubbish is that" Riley shouted at the director.

"Huuu!" The Director did. He hated working with Riley.

"Miss Riley, to avoid all these that is why I have told your Assistant. I have let him known that you are working with an upcoming" the man said.

"I told you, Riley" Muhammad said in cool tone.

"You must be stupid for saying that you told me. If you told me, would i come" she said to Muhammad and faced the Director.

"Get another person, I can't play a lead role with an upcoming" she said loudly.

"What is even the problem with upcoming? All the Authors that are famous now started as an upcoming. Even you Riley, who did you start, not as upcoming. You are now shouting and acting proud here"

"How dare you said that you me" Riley slapped the Director as he was talking. Everyone in the room shocked, and looking at her.

"I give you twenty minutes to get another person, or I get out of here" She said loudly, and entering back into the room.

"I am sorry, Director. I am sorry, I will go and talk to her" Muhammad said, and pleading the Director.

"I hate working with her, she is too arrogant and full of herself. I don't want to call her, it's the person that owns the project that instead that she wants her" the Director said with anger showed all him.

"Please, don't be angry. I will go and talk to her" Director faced Muhammad as he was talking.

"I don't want her on this set as well, so go and tell her to return back the money and go" the man said loudly.

"Please, don't do that. I will go and talk to her" Muhammad said. He turned back and going to the room that Riley was.

"Arrant nonsense! So proud and full of herself" The man said with anger.

Muhammad entered into the room that Riley was, met her sitting on the chair and pressing phone. Muhammad silent for a while, standing at the entrance and looking at her. He was thinking of how to start talking. After few minutes, he walked closer to her.

"I am sorry for what happened, Riley" Muhammad was older than Riley, so if he didn't use MA, he would call her by her name.

"Please, to avoid public talk, do this. Please, go back and act it" Riley looked up at him, stopped pressing the phone.

"So I should belittle myself, and act with an upcoming. You must be stupid" she abused Muhammad. She focused on the phone back.

"No problem, the Director has said that you should refund the money and we can go if you can't act it" Muhammad said in calm voice. Riley stopped pressing the phone, and got down from the chair.

"He said what?" She asked loudly.

"He said you can return the money, and go—"

"That Director is so stupid, for him to come and beg me to act, he said I should refund the money and go" Riley said with anger.

"So, he just wants to waste my time come here. I should waste fuel; return the money and waste fuel back hone without nothing" Muhammad breaths out.

"That is why I said you should go and act it, please" Muhammad said gently. The money was difficult for Riley to return back, but her proud didn't want to allow her. She was tapping the phone on her lap, and thinking.

"No problem, I will go but I will show that Director immediately I return back to city" she said with anger, and leaving the room. Muhammad followed her, going out together.

Two of them came out to where they were shooting. The Director was just looking at them from where he was standing, and franking his face. Muhammad started walking to where the man was.

"Director, she has agreed to act it" Muhammad said in cool tone.

"And sorry for the slap, please don't be angry" the man just looked at Muhammad, and leaving the place without saying a word. Muhammad breaths out, rubbed his hair. He was the one that always settled quarrels, and fixed Riley's stupidity acts.


Aria's mother and her husband were at their party chairman's office. Aria's mother was wearing a beautiful African cloth, and dressing lovely. She and her husband busy looking at something on their phone and focused on it.

"Our opponents are those that own highest local governments, and with this our chance of winning this election is slim" the Chairman said.

"They have really gained those local governments, and always win from them" Aria's mother put the phone down on the table. She crossed her leg and looking at the Chairman.

"And what do you think we should do?" Aria's mother asked.

"Yes, we must do something. Or, we should try and capture the heart of those people by campaigning" Aria's step father said.

"That won't be easy, if we can find another means it will be better" the chairman said.

"From my observation, it's the candidate that those people like. So I think he is one we should focus on" Aria's Mother said.

"You are right, it's Sani Yahaya that they like not really the party. So if we are able to disvalue Yahaya's reputation, there will be chance for us" Party chairman said.

"Sir, you mean if we can distract Yahaya or even paint him bad to his lovers this will help us" Aria's mother said.

"Exactly, if we can do that it will be good" Aria's mother changed her look, and rubbing her figures.

"It's everything will make my husband wins that I will do. I will take care of that" Aria's mother said.

"Love, you will take care of it" Her husband said.

"I have told you that you will become the next governor. It's what it will take that I will give it, rest your mind and let me handle it" Aria's mother faced the chairman.

"Sir, I will use my power as a woman and we will win this election" she said with full confidence.

"I trust you. She is your backbone, hold her tight" the chairman said, and smiled.

"Love, you are the one that has been supporting me from day one. Thank you and I love you" he showed his appreciation, and kissed her on the front head. Aria's mother smiled, she was really happy.

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