

Two maids came out from the kitchen down to the living room, and carrying two different trays. One of them was carrying the food when the other maid was carrying water and fruits cut inside a small bowl. Two of them just left the living room, wanted to climb the staircases when the woman at Henry's house faced back and saw them.

"Hey! Come back here and what is that?" She said with low voice. The maids obeyed her, turned back and walked closer to her.

"It's food Ma, and we are taking it upstairs to meet---" one of the maids was talking when the woman said.

"When did that start? What happened to the dining room, and when did we start eating somewhere else apart from the dining room in this house?" She said with loud voice.

"We are sorry Ma, but its brother Henry that instead that we should bring it to his room—"

"You can go, leave. That doesn't concern me" the woman did sign with her hand and showing not caring sign. She sat down properly and continued watching her movie.

All of them in that house except from Henry's father, they didn't use to interfere in anything that concern Henry or about his affair. They were just living with him like an outsider.


Aria was sitting on the small chair beside the window; put her legs on the table and sitting like a madam there. She rested her back on the chair and busy watching Henry as he was arranging his belongings back inside the wardrobe and with Aria's own.

"Why are you hiding my clothes under yours?" Aria asked but Henry didn't respond just continued with what he was doing. He would hang Aria's cloth first and used his own t-shirt to cover it before he hanged it inside the wardrobe.

"Why are you doing that? Why don't you just pack my own separately now?" Aria asked again and she didn't use to keep quiet on something until she got answer to it.

"Why is it so difficult to just keep shut, and accept anything I do" Henry replied her back with loud voice. He dropped the cloth on his hands and faced her.

"Listen to me, you have to be following my ways and do as I said. My girlfriend will start to be coming here anytime soon, and she must not be seeing your clothes or any other female's things round. I don't want anything that will make her to think like I am cheating on her and that is why I am doing all these"

"Oh! Okay, deep love" Aria said as Henry was talking.

"You have to start learning how to act with manners and behave yourself" Henry said with loud voice, picked the cloth that he dropped back and continued with what he was doing.

The maids got to the entrance door after few minutes, one of them knocked at the door and waiting for respond. Henry opened the door for them, stayed beside it and waiting for the maids to enter. Aria quickly put her legs down from the table as she saw that it was food and really happy.

She was looking at the maids as they were setting the table and she couldn't wait anymore. Aria took a plate immediately as the maids turned back and wanted to be leaving; Henry looked at her with a bad look and quickly faced the maid that was talking to him.

"Alright, I will call the kitchen if I need anything. You can go now" He replied the maids with gentle voice. The maids greeted him again and going out.

"Why don't you know more than food, what is wrong with you?" Henry said with loud voice and really tired of Aria's personality.

"The door is not close" Aria said with low voice and she had started eating already. She was putting different foods inside the plates, and busy beating the spoon on the ceramic plates.

Henry looked at her for few seconds and closed the door. He turned back and continued with the clothes that he was arranging.

"Are you not eating? Remember you haven't eaten anything since morning" Aria said with care.

"I will, enjoy yourself and thanks" Henry replied back and focused on what he was doing.

Few minutes later that Aria had satisfied herself, she picked little food inside the plate, carried it and walked to where Henry was. She knelt down on the floor at the front of Henry and with the plate on her hand.

"What is going on?" Henry asked with gentle voice and staring at her.

"I decided to come and feed you since you are not ready to leave what you are doing for now. So, just be opening your mouth and eat" Aria said as she picked a little food with spoon and pointing it at him.

"What are you doing? Get up and go" Henry said with harsh tone.

"I am not going, I am going to be feeding you and when you should be doing what you are doing. You haven't eaten anything since morning now, so open your mouth" Aria moved closer to him and wanted to force him by forced.

"Oh! Wait, I am going to eat when I am ready, you can't force me now" Henry said with loud voice and shifted to the back. Aria too was so stubborn and didn't agree.

"Stand up now and go and eat, or I feed you" Aria said and wanted to put the food in his mouth.

"Come on, stop!" Henry said with loud voice, and pushed Aria's hand away. The spoon fell from her hand and the food poured on the shirt that Henry was putting on. Where white were on the shirt changed to somehow brownish and stained.

"Oh! What the hell is this now?" Henry said with loud voice and got up from the floor. He looked at Aria with anger showed all over him and going inside the bathroom.

"You should have collected the food easily now; be fast and you still have to eat oh" Aria said with loud voice that Henry heard inside the bathroom.

"She just acted like my mother" Henry said inside the bathroom that he was. He was standing at the front of the dressing mirror and looking at the stain.

"Hmm" he did with smiles on his face and what Aria just did brought his mother's memories to his head. He off the shirt, dropped it inside the bathtub there and came out.

He frowned his face as he came out, looked at Aria and going to the dining table to eat.

"That is what I want" Aria giggled as she said so and went to join Henry there.

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