
V5 Chapter 144 Good Guess Lad

Gale" That's terrible news, but don't worry the fog will lift up soon. I hope you'll be able to find your friend then Until then, please allow me to lead you to our village inn, you must be exhausted from your travels."

Gale bowed as he politely guided the travels back toward the center of the village. The group of children let out a disappointed whine as some were comforted by their mothers. Each mother couldn't help but laugh at the pouty children and inform them that after the travels had their rest that they could probably play with them tomorrow. With that most children reluctantly agreed as they returned to playing with each other.

LO" Ooo... ang...."

Little One mumbled as he rested his cheek against the back of Amon's head. His little blue eyes never left the group of children as the distance between them grew with each step Amon took.

Philomel" Gale, is it alright if I ask where are all the men? So far I could only see women and children."

Philomel questioned as she glanced at the children running out of the windmill to continue their game, curiosity finally gotten the better of her.

Gale" Any male older than 17 was forced into either Ranrion's army or the knight brigade. There has been much tension between the kingdoms Ranrion and Alryne. Mainly due to the plague that's been going around in Alryne. It was rumored that Ranrion created the plague by smuggling drugs through rivers that run between both rivers. The drugs alone don't really cause the plague but when it's mixed with something within the lake that causes the plague as the reaction.

Ranrion has always been run poorly with much crime and drug lords corrupting the royal class. Alryne had to put up much of it but when the plague affected the citizens of Alryne, that was the final straw. They are now threatening war if Ranrion does not get its Kingdom in check. The only thing holding back the trigger is the miracle of the elf Messiah.

Starting a war right after such a miracle has been bestowed, would cause major disrespect to the elves and their culture. That might trigger Luxtorious to war as well and that would become a three-way war where Luxtorious would definitely win. Since Lunaris has an alliance with Luxtorious and would join their side. Luxtorious is the only city with an alliance with all 3 kingdoms in the whole Eldamar (continent) and had been supporting each kingdom in a certain way. Without the support of Luxtorious and war from it, this would probably be the end for all Eldamar (continent)."

Gale informed with an extremely worried tone as he chew on the nail of his thumb, feeling extremely anxious. Amon turned to Philomel with a shocked expression as he gestured toward Gale. Silently asking why she didn't tell him any of this. Philomel gestured back with a shocked expression, silently telling him that she now only found out as well. This caused Amon to facepalm himself before using the same hand to massage his right temple.

Gale suddenly stopped in his tracks, causing Amon to almost bump into the boy.

Gale" You two definitely know all of this being light elves yourselves. Tell me, truly why are you two way out here? Is it to scout out the situation of Ranrion?"

The young lad questioned, being knowledgeable enough to know that there was no way for light elves to be this far west during such a time without a mission as a reason. However, he was still somewhat naive in the sense that he believed that the two travelers wouldn't fib to him if he just asked.

Amon instantly froze at the question and felt the need to tell the boy a sweet fib that would remove all his worries. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to come up with something on the spot and his mind drew blanks. Philomel, on the other hand, knew that she didn't need to answer the boy. It was common sense that as adults certain answers could be kept private and nothing here could force the answer out of her, well nothing legal anyway. But then again, she knew that wouldn't be enough for a kid like him to pester and annoy until he heard something close to an answer. Not to mention, fibbing a kid brings its own consequences and problems.

Philomel" You're smart enough to make an educated guess."

Philomel pointed out as she gestures for Gale to continue guiding them. Gale's feet moved but at a slow pace as he started making observations on the two travelers.

Gale" From the looks of it."

Gale began as he stared at Little One, Little One stared back at Gale before his attention was drawn back to the children playing, nearby.

Gale" You don't look to be like grand holy knights or mages of Luxtorious. Your equipment suggests that you two truly are just random travelers. However your hands and weapons tell a different tale, it's obvious that you two have received special training or faced a great deal of battles. On top of that, you're traveling with a kid that you said have just found but from the reaction of the kid, he is familiar and comfortable with the two of you. "

Gale pointed out with narrow eyes at Little One, Little One feeling Gale's gaze on him, started feeling shy, and hid his face behind Amon's head.

Gale" A black hair light elf with dazzling blue eyes that matches Miss Philomel. That's definitely not a random coincidence. Little One is either your son or your younger brother, and the fact that you're all the way out here, just the two of you with a missing friend.

You two are decoys, running around with a fake Messiah to draw away assassins from the real Messiah. So that, the Messiah is able to travel to each kingdom and be introduced to each King safely. That missing friend, isn't your friend, is he? He's one of the assassins that you must distract while the real Messiah reaches another kingdom. "

Gale guessed with much confidence as he puffed out his chest. The more he thought about it, the more he was certain. Certain why two light elves would be so far west with a child. Amon's eyes widen as he heard the guess, shocked that his guess made more sense than reality, and wonder how could two dark elves' assassins be mistaken so much. Philomel, on the other hand, grinned, extremely pleased that the lad drew up his own conclusions. Which saves her breath and energy of having to deal with a nosey brat, for the whole duration of their stay.

Philomel" That is a very good guess but unfortunately, this mission is meant to stay hidden. I do hope to keep whatever you thought of to yourself. Don't want a certain mission person finding out and getting in the way of someone else. Now do we?"

Philomel insinuated with her pointer finger held over her lips, gesturing silence and a wink. Instantly earning the trust of a naive little kid. Gale gasp as a smile grew over his lips.

Gale" My lips are sealed, you can count on me."

Gale chimed as he held a fist to his heart, taking a silent oath to keep this to himself. Amon chuckled as he ruffled Gale's hair, extremely happy to see such a cute gesture from such a good lad.

Gale" Here we are! The village inn."

Gale informed as he did a grand gesture toward a pretty reasonable wooden cabinet with a signboard hanging above saying 'The cozy Inn'. It had a more traven feel to it with its rustic 4 panel wide windows and double swing doors that only cover the full width of the door but not its height. Being able to see straight to the huge counter that served as a bar. The soft flow of a fireplace to the middle left of the inn basked the whole area in such a warm welcoming orange glow. That was more inviting due to the cold winds of the fog. Behind the bar stood a young lady, close to Amon's age with brilliant silver eyes and short height light blonde hair. She had a bored expression on her face as she wiped glass after glass with a rag. Behind her were many shelves that held all kinds of liquor.

There were many round tables holding up to 4 sits that danced before the front of the bar. Each is patterned with unique swirls of oak wood. Unfortunately, most of the seats were empty except for one seat on the far left, right in front of the fireplace. There sat a very old man tending to his glass of brandy.

Gale without paying any mind, that it was obvious a tavern and not a place for a young lad, walked right up to it.

Gale"Welcome to The cozy inn. "

Gale welcomed with a beckoning wave.


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