
V5 Chapter 141 Squeaky Steps

Misty forest, hidden from light, morning sunshine stands no chance against such thick folds. The cool breeze holds no sway against the fog, everything in the trees constantly moving. Dew drops fall, no one telling, all eyes squinting as they try to see, past the mist pulled over the eyes. How can one get lost when one is already feeling lost? The only thing keeping the whole team together echoes throughout the forest with each little step.

" Squeak, squeak, squeak."

Amon kept encouraging as he walked with his body hunched down low. His three fingers begin held by a small little hand, that kept pulling each time he took a small wobbly step. Standing guard, ready to catch, a demon dog walking close by, ruby eyes never stop watching the little toddler as his little feet kept stomping.

" Among, can you please, carry him? You've been squeaking for the past 7 minutes and it's been driving me insane. It's already hard enough trying to figure out where we are and which way to head. "

Philomel begged as her arm swung out in front of her, clearing up the mist slightly as she squinted her eyes, trying to tell which was what from the shadows that were cast through such thick fog.

" But you said back at the cave that if we just kept heading northwest in a straight line we would eventually reach the village. "

Amon reminded and as soon as he stopped squeaking, Little One stopped walking and squat down. Thinking that was how the game worked.

" If, I did say if. Which doesn't mean it's 100 percent true. We could have walked past it already or somehow gone the wrong way. The only thing that can confirm our location is either the catacomb or the village but even then we would need our eyes to see it. And how do you expect anyone to be able to see through this fog."

Philomel complained as she swung her arms trying to clear as much fog to the side, trying to make out the silhouette of the shadows through the fog. Amon let out a heavy sigh and picks up Little One.

" Alright, Little One that's all the walking for today. Oh, you're so heavy. "

Amon informed as he adjusted Little One in his arms.

" So, what do you see? Any signboard? Or a hut maybe?"

Amon questioned and he watched Philomel swat the fog.


" So far just bushes, trees, and vines, I think. Remember to stay behind me. If anything attacks me I can handle it, just make sure Little One is alright. We still have Darzirak guarding our rear right?"

Philomel questions without even tuning to glance.


" Yeah, I'm still here. Nothing has eaten me, yet. "

Darzirak sadly reported, finding no fun in walking and was hoping for something to attack.


" My god! Among! Stop with the squeaking."

Philomel lets out a frustrated sigh.


The small soft little squeak continued.

" It isn't me! Darzirak, stop squeaking."

Amon scolded.


" Me?! Hey, if I wanted to annoy the two of you, I would have done something worse. Like silently alter the direction of Philomel, so that she would end up back at the catacombs."

Darzirak proudly admits with a puffed-up chest.


" Oh my god, Darzirak! If we end up back at the catacombs. You're so dead! I don't care if yourself a demon or whatever! I swear I'll kill you myself! And cook up and eat you! I don't even care if you taste evil that's how hungry I am!"

Philomel threatened as her stomach growled like a fearsome creature.


" Hey, you guys shouldn't be talking like that around Little One."

Amon reminded as he quickly pressed Little One's head against his chest, covering Little One's ears with one hand and his chest. Even though it was already too late to block out anything.


The soft squeak sends a little vibration to Amon's hand and chest. Amon with much disbelief glances down at Little One.

" Hey, eating me would taste like thick water. Also, I don't get any damage from fire, so technically you can't cook me."

Darzirak informed in a huffy way. Little One looked up at Amon, with his huge adorable sky-blue eyes.


Little One said with a huge happy smile showing off his little tooth and gums. Amon's heart skipped a beat as many emotions overwhelmed him, happiness, excitement, shock, awe, and the need to love this little toddler even more. Even though he had already given the Little Baby his whole heart. His heart felt so full as he smiled so huge his mouth hurts, and tears stung his eyes as he pressed his forehead against Little One's forehead. Not knowing what to do with all these feelings.

" I don't really care, right now! Just stop squeaking or I'll eat you, here and now! I swear I will."

Philomel growled as she swat the fog away more furiously.

" Squeak."

Little One turned to Philomel, extremely excited. Amon kisses Little One's head with a smile. Philomel hearing the squeak lets out a furious growl.

" Mel."

Amon called out with a huge proud smile with a trembling voice full of emotions.

" Squeak."

Little One turned back to Amon and repeated with much excitement.

" What?! "

Philomel questioned as she turned around.

" Squeak."

Little One yelled all of a sudden at Philomel with a raised little hand. Philomel froze, as her mind focused on the toddler. Philomel turned her head to look and examined Little One with just her right eye before slowly closing the distance between them. Little One seeing how Philomel was gazing at him, lets out a giggle and squeals before reaching a hand out to her.

" Did he just?"

Philomel softly questioned and she allows the baby to grab her finger and pull it.

" Squeak!"

Little One chimes before laughing.

" It's his first word!!! Isn't that amazing?!!!"

Amon questioned with such wide eyes that glowed a bright maroon and swirls with white. He was so excited, proud, and brimming with happiness.

" Squeak!"

The baby squealed. It was so fast that the movement was a complete blur, all Amon could register was the sharp pain on the back of his head. It took him a long moment for him to notice Philomel's raise hand and realised she hit him.

" Idiot! Now who the helmet is going to adopt him?!! His first word is a freaking sound of a rat! Everyone will pick on him! This is the worst thing we could ever do for a child!"

Philomel yelled at Amon as she snatched Little One from his arms. Little One knowing that Philomel was angry, tenderly repeated 'squeak' as he pulled on the high johnny collar of her double high slit dress. Wondering why isn't Philomel as happy as Amon when he said the words. Tears stung Little One eyes as he did his best to make Philomel notice him. As he did his best to make her happy with the only thing he knew how to say.

" Mel... It's his first word and there are more to come. He just needs to learn it slowly. Praise him, look you're making him sad."

Amon reassured as he held the back of his painful head.

" He should be sad! Sad that he is stuck with us when he could have been with Emma and the rest of his friends. Sad that the only toys he can get are rocks, the only clothes that fit him is a nappy. Sad that every night he has to hide from the cold in a satchel full of wool and every day he eats whatever food there is, instead of milk. That the only way we know how to encourage him is by speaking like a rat to him! This is not how a baby is supposed to be raised."

Philomel sorrowfully admits as she hugs Little One close.

" But... He wants to be with us."

Amon wavering whispered.

" That's cause he is a baby who doesn't know any better. One day, if he survives and is all grown up. There wouldn't be a doubt in my mind that he will curse us, for not raising him better. It's good that he won't remember all this. It's good that he'll forget us one day. I just pray he would have a bright future despite our screw-up."

Philomel whispered as she pressed her forehead against Little One's forehead. As she prayed to the twin gods of causality, to bless Little One, to guide her, to use her, and give Little One all the knowledge he needs for a bright future.

" I'm going to read Little One the storybook, tonight, and don't stop me. Even if the ending isn't right, Little One needs to learn all the words he can. It's only tried that we fix the screw-up we did. I only hope there is still time to fix it and give Little One the childhood he deserves."

Philomel informed Amon with a determined tone as the sunlight finally broke through and glowed through the fog. Lighting up the fog behind Philomel as if the gods have answered her prayers.


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