
V5 Chapter 134 Acceptance

Rumbling within the clouds, had more similarity to the hunger of an ancient beast that had just awoken from its slumber. As the dark clouds consumed the sky, a drizzle of raindrops fell upon the dark damp forest. Like the gods were dumping an ocean through a strainer. Sizzles of lighting ripples across the clouds threatening to strike but all it did was lit up the sky for an instant before flinging it back into the darkness. Claps of thunder echo throughout the forest which screamed down a cave.

A cave that had some flicking glimmers of light. Light from a crimson fire cast long shadows on all who were huddling around it for warmth. Shadows danced along the cave wall with each small movement of the flames. All except one shadow that didn't care to get wet nor mind the cold. A shadow sat near the entrance of the cave, looking out at the dark forest with much worry.

Darzirak" Hey! If you're going to mope around afterward then you should have just kept your mouth shut and given her back her damn book. Now stop being a moody prick and come over here! I have gone through a lot to get you cured. I'm not going to sit here and watch you waste all my hard work, getting sick again. "

Darzirak barked at Amon who sat near the entrance of the cave, his back leaning against the cave's wall while the rest of his body was sprawled out in a defeated way. Allowing the buckets of rain to pour on him without any care.

Darzirak" Hey, come while I'm still asking nicely."

Darzirak threatened in a gentle tone as he slowly got up, careful not to get too close to Little One who was just a short distance away examining his rock collection. Knowing that if he made the mistake of coming too close to the baby, Little One's hands might grab a hold of him and play wrestling or tug the demon. Games that Darzirak didn't like to play but always find himself playing more often than he would like.

Darzirak" Oi, are you listening?"

Darzirak questioned as he approached Amon. Seeing that Amon was still ignoring him, Darzirak stretched out, absorbing Amon into his body before gently spitting him back out near the fire. Amon's soaking wet clothes were now just slightly damped as turned toward the cave entrance and spat out all the rainwater within him.

Amon" She's not coming back... is she?"

Amon's soft trembling question caught Darzirak off guard. Darzirak watched Amon from the corner of his eye, observing the sad dark elf stare down at his father's ring that wore on his finger. The silver ring glistens against the flames. The silver ring was just normal curved bands, that had a gap in the middle. The silver ring was missing a huge part of itself. Missing its red wildflowers that were supposed to entwine around and complete its design. A design that was just as beautiful as the flower it was designed after in a more metalwork kind of way.

Amon couldn't help but wonder if the ring called out to its partner just like his heart was calling out to Philomel. Darzirak opened his mouth to ask if Amon felt any heat coming from the ring since that was the indication that Philomel was in danger. But ultimately decided against it, since if there was heat coming out from the ring, there was no way Amon would still be sitting there, all calm and depressed like that. If there truly was heat from the ring, Amon would have dashed into the pouring rain the instant he felt it.

Darzirak thought for a moment, wondering how he should answer but ultimately he knew saying anything would just trigger Amon. Even though Darzirak wanted to help, Amon would accuse Darzirak's intentions and thought it to be a scheme. It would be so easy to whisper into Amon's ear, slowly push him further into depression and take over his body. So simple, like taking candy from a baby as long as nothing broke Amon from Darzirak's thrall. But after looking into Little One's eyes, Darzirak finds himself wanting the real thing and no longer willing to settle for a replacement or a fake.

Darzirak after centuries of pain, yearning, and tears. After centuries of torment found himself just wanting it to end, just wanting to fill the gaping hole in his heart with anything. Anything to stop the pain, to the point he was okay with anyone with some of Zord's features, to the point he was willing to find the perfect body and swap out their life memories with Zord's. Just so he could finally be with him, even if it's a fake, even if it's just an illusion. All he wanted was to gaze at those familiar eyes that saw through him, that understood him, that accepted him, that cared for him, that valued him and that respected him.

But now that pain, that hurt, that gaping hole in his heart bleeds no more. One looks at Little One's eyes, the eyes that yearn to set something free and Darzirak found himself back in time. Back when he was determined, still full of resolve and hope to find Zord again in this huge world. It was as if no time had passed even though he could remember the pain and what has happened, even so, he didn't feel it. It was like he was on the outside looking in. From the outside looking through the bars that kept his former self caged.

He found himself full of hope, the hope of freedom, and the determination to fly free once again. Not just in a memory, not just a replay but in this reality. Then Darzirak blinked and saw his caged former self turn to look at him.

" Little shadow? More like Little Fool, we are one and the same. Look, look closely."

The caged demon pointed down at a black streak that joined the two demons

" No matter how far apart we are still joined. You may be on the outside looking in, right now but soon. When the last bit of Amon's blood runs out from your veins. You'll be stuck behind these bars just like me. YOU'LL FOREVER BE CAGED, FROM THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT. FOREVER DREAMING. FOREVER LONGING FOR FREEDOM. FOREVER STUCK IN THIS PLACE. "

The younger demon crackled out a horrendous laugh as his paws grabbed the bars and shook its cage. The older demon said nothing, sitting there for a moment watching his younger self, laugh. Without a second thought, the older demon stood up and turned around, leaving.

" Where are you going?! Where are you going!! Where are you GOING!! WHERE ARE YOU GOING!!!!!"

The younger demon screamed his voice filled with such fear, such sadness, such despair as his paws grip the bars of the cage, shaking them hard before finally letting go of the bars. Both paws slipped between the bars, reaching out toward the older demon.

" To enjoy whatever last drops I have."

The older demon answered as his feet kept walking, without looking back, without stopping, leaving his caged younger self behind.

" Darzirak?"

Amon called out as his gaze looked around for the demon but to his dismay he couldn't find the demon anywhere in sight.

" I see... So even he has left me..."

Amon glumly muttered to himself, his voice uneven as his eyes stung with tears. He does his best to focus on the dancing fire before him, trying his best not to cry. Little One being close enough to hear Amon's trembling voice, instantly knew Amon was sad and stood up to his little feet. Little One took a few wobbly steps before falling onto Amon's legs.

" Aing boo?"

Little One called out as he tugs on Amon's pants.

" I see, at least you haven't left me."

Amon gave a small smile as he picked up Little One and hugs the baby in his arms.

" You know... I wonder where I all gone wrong... but now that I look back... and recall... it was I who was wrong..."

Amon stuttered with each word, his voice quivering through shaky breaths as a tear escapes from the corner of his eye.

" I knew... I knew that she was in love with someone else... the moment I saw her expression when she first wore my mother's ring. I knew... yet I let myself be lost in those eyes... I allowed myself to be lost in a fantasy world of what could be... how I wanted it to be.. even though it wasn't real... I thought... I thought with enough time... and patience... I could make it so. I could make her mine. I allowed myself to be blinded by a fantasy, a fantasy that kept being fuelled by my desires... desires that grew with each moment she showed such care and tenderness. I was such a fool... I almost died twice under her plan, under her care... of course, she would be worried.

Of course, she would look at me like that... Of course, she would be glad that I'm alright. That's what friends do. It wasn't love... It was never love... It was just compassion and worry for a friend, everyone would feel the same when their friends faced a near-death situation like that. I should have known she was in love with Lenny... The way he called her name during our first meeting... "

Amon sighed as he sat Little One down in his lap. Never noticing that Little One was patting his back the whole time.

" I'm such a fool! I should have just given her back her book! Idiot! "

Amon growled as he knocked his head softly with a fisted hand.

" I gotta make this right. I gotta apologize to her."

Amon determinedly announced as he cradle Little One in one arm and stood to his feet, rushing to his satchel, and digging around in it for the book.

Philomel" Amon..."

A familiar voice called out which made Amon freeze in place. He slowly turned and standing there by the cave entrance was Philomel that was slowly rising from a shadow. The shadow was obviously Darzirak.


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