
V5 Chapter Fate Recorder's Holiday 2/3 (Deleted Scene)

[Starting to think about it, with only my powers I could only change the season between spring and summer by myself. Even then it would take up most of my power and put me into a short slumber of 2 months. If that happened and I didn't have any light or fire pixies to help out if a situation were to arise then the season would be out of balance. If seasons are out of balance so would time ... Urk... I might cause a rippling world problem if I'm not careful... I rather not face the punishment of all gods whom I have pissed off for causing such a big problem.

I gulped as I pulled the collar of my shirt.

Hidden Side Quest: More Pixies

Task: Convince Sandman, Mirauleo, to give you more gemstones.

"My Lord, you're raining on yourself quite a lot there. Is that why you're making it rain more frequently?"

Lumi questioned with a pointing finger.

"What? No!"

I exclaimed as I pulled out my handkerchief and started to wipe off my sweat.

"I've just been seeing the human world more often in my new job and noticed it's been a while since it rained."

I answered as I shoved my handkerchief back into my pocket.

"Eh? Didn't your last job also have you do something similar? Same with the other jobs you took in the past 4 centuries."

Lumi pressed for answers with narrowed eyes like I was being suspicious. Could it be that she suspects me of playing hooky? Eh? I'm already playing hooky with my worldly duties to sate my boredom by becoming a fate recorder. Why would I play hooky on both duties? It's not like I have anything better to do.

"When I first worked for Givendale, it was to record and keep an eye on his first angel, Shizen who was able to pretend to be the God Givendale or as you know him, the cupid, angel of love, Rhane. Which was an extremely important duty, mind you. I had to jump between Earth, the tower of AI, and the heavens to keep up with him! And in all 3 places time flowed differently! Which was why it was hard to notice that it's been a while since it rained..."

I then noticed Lumi raising an eyebrow at me.

"Ok... fine... I didn't really go to the heavens, Givendale gave me a telescope to watch the events."

I sadly corrected myself as Lumi's gaze returned to a scowl as she waited for me to finish answering.

" Then after a while, I became friends with him and did him a favor of looking after his demigod kid, Hikaru. Which was extremely hard since he had the power to go back into the past. Good thing Shizen gave me some assistance and had his second joined recreation Version 1, Lancelot to help me out. Yes, I did spend most of my time looking through non-appropriate magazines and making myself comfortable in Shizen's hideout on earth during that time and left all the heavy work to Lancelot.

But! It was an important duty nonetheless! In other words, I may have been neglecting my duties as the weather man but it was for all very good reasons."

I proudly pointed out.

"And what about that time you disappear to another world? Hmmm?"

Lumi pressed as she placed her hands on her hips with an accusing glare.

"... Ok that I'll admit, I ran off and was playing hooky but it was only for a couple of months and I did come back to change the seasons!"

I awkwardly admitted as I tried to make the situation at least sound good.

"You came back late! Because of you! Spring came late that year! And the humans made up a ridiculous superstition of more weeks of winter if a freaking groundhog didn't see its shadow! Though the humans were actually pretty happy without that random weird rain during winter. Why do you insist on doing that anyway?"

Lumi trailed off and hits me with a random question.

"Sometimes there's hot air from smoke trapped in between, to clear up that from the air, I make it rain. I don't really want that to turn into snow and snow down black snow. But can't keep so much dirty air in the clouds or else there wouldn't be any more crisp fresh air which is why I kept making it rain during that first week of spring."

I answered with a few gestures and Lumi gave a few understanding nods before letting out a small gasp. Realizing that she had trailed off-topic, with just a moment, from calm and understanding, she flipped back to angry.

" That's not even the worst part! Water pixies that only had the power to create dew drops and snow pixies that couldn't even stand such heat! Had to make it rain in the tropical areas! Do you even know how overworked those snow pixies were?! Do you even have the slightest idea how much energy it took the water pixies to keep flying to and fro from a lake, dropping water under a cloud to make it look like it was rain?! What was it that even made you do that?! Why did you run off to a different world with Lancelot?!"

Lumi yelled at me still furious about that whole situation and all I could do was stand there and take it under tensed shoulders. As I was reminded why girls were so scary. They could easily flip between emotions like the flick of a switch.

" A different kind of magic... I was curious... what kind of magic could have made those non-appropriate magazines that I liked. I did come back as soon as my curiosity was sated. I even left weeks before Lancelot did."

I sadly answered while avoiding Lumi's gaze and focusing on the tip of my right shoe as it kept repeatedly drawing a circle on the rippling broken glass ground. Lumi hearing my answer let out an exhausted sigh.

" And now? What made you decide to do it again? Celestial was already extremely mad at you, even I don't know how to manage to convince her to allow you to work as a fate recorder for a term."

Lumi asked with a much gentle tone that still had a hint of annoyance.

"Lancelot said that he brought back something interesting from the other world. Something that would change the lives of many mortals of this world was happening on earth and I should have a good seat to watch it all unfold. Which was why I asked Hikaru to give me the job... This job is pretty cool too... I get to stay in the lower grounds of heaven... and even see the highest levels of heaven. The highest levels are harsh on the eyes but I do have some methods to reduce the pain. I told Celestial this time and all pixies know where to find me."

I tapped the tip of my shoe on the ground as I rambled adding on all that came to mind to make it sound like it wasn't very bad.

"True, but sometimes I wished you would take your Worldly duties more seriously instead of having side jobs like this."

Lumi huffed out as she crossed her arms.

" Well, I best be heading back to headquarters. We'll be expecting those gemstones soon. Send us a letter, and let us know how your talk with your brother went. Good or bad it's something that you need to inform us."

Lumi reminded with a waving pointing finger.

"You'll definitely get that letter! Promise!"

I gave her a thumbs up, hoping that would be enough to persuade her. Lumi nodded and finally smiled before saying her farewells with a little wave and flying away on her little frosted wings. I awkwardly kept smiling and waving at her back. Silently knowing today was going to be a busy day even though it was my only holiday. I could already feel my heart crying at the thought. Even so, I pulled out my notepad from the breast pocket of my coat. Flipping it open and flipping to the most recent quests I have received.

[Hidden Side Quest: Dreamer or the Dream?

Task: Talk to Dustman, Mirauleo, find clues about Sandman, Morpheus.]

[Hidden Side Quest: More Pixies

Task: Convince Dustman, Mirauleo, to give you more gemstones.]

I couldn't help but scoff at my notepad. Both quests require me to talk to my raging brother, Mirauleo. Ah, how the gears of fate turn, even for a guardian like me. I wonder where it leads? What does this long duty have installed for me? One of the first residents in the world, an immortal with one duty, if even I can't escape the gears of fate, then who can?]


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