
V5 Chapter 124 Unconscious

The sounds of distant horses and carriage echoes throughout the forest, an important thing that was left unnoticed by two dark elves trapped within the barrier.

" Darzirak! You big pile of goo!! Wake up already!"

Philomel yelled at the thick black liquid on the ground.

" Come on! Darzirak! You just need to stretch up to us!! Just a bit!!"

Amon cried out as he pressed himself against the barrier are far as he could go, reaching downward, trying his best to grab a part of Darzirak.

" It's no good. He has passed out."

Philomel shook her head with a sigh.

" Why don't you use tenancy agreement, curfew, on him?"

Philomel suggested but that only made Amon despair.

" I... I can't... that would immediately draw him back into his apartment and unfortunately, I have no way of getting him back out. Unless I hang an eviction notice and kick him out... voiding our contract. I do not want to do that... Especially when Darzirak is in this condition and I was the cause of it."

Amon's voice cracked as tears blurred his vision, his hand kept reaching even though his whole body cramped and hurt. No matter what anyone says, no matter what Darzirak does, it didn't change the fact that Darzirak has become an important part of Amon. The last bit of family that Amon has left, the last bit that Amon was desperate to keep even though he dislikes most of Darzirak's actions.

Philomel tilted her head, confused at Amon's actions, and couldn't understand why he was so desperate to keep something that annoying.

" Uhwa?"

Little One stared at the black liquid of Darzirak, grabbing and pulling it, squealing in excitement at how wonderful it is to stretch it. Amon's eyes instantly widened as an idea went off in his head.

" Little One! Little One, come here. Come here you little squeak squeak. Squeak squeak, squeak squeak. "

Amon sweetly called as his hand encouraged Little One to come with a huge gesture. Little One squealed at the slight of Amon, laying down on Darzirak as his little hands reach out to Amon. Thinking that Amon was just a grab away when in reality it was nowhere close.

" Come on, Little One... You crawled to me before. You can do it! I believe in you! Come to me!"

Amon encouraged as he continued to gesture. Philomel watched for a moment, she may not be able to understand why Amon wanted to keep Darzirak but that didn't mean she wanted to prevent him from doing so.

" Come here, baby! Squeak Squeak! Squeak Squeak!"

Philomel joined and started encouraging. Little One rolled over onto his stomach, extremely happy that he was getting so much attention, all of a sudden. It was at that moment, Little One did something completely unexpected. Little One grabbed Amon's satchel and started pressing his weight on it, pulling himself to stand on two. Amon and Philomel immediately fell silent for a moment as they watched Little One stand, for the first time on his wobble feet, leading against Amon's satchel. Amon was the first to recover from stun.


Amon yelled so loudly that birds in the nearby trees took flight and other wildlife ran off. Philomel held her ears as Amon's words pounded through her skull. Philomel covered Amon's mouth.

" Idiot! You might call out a predator! And we are trapped in here while Little One! Is unprotected out there!"

Philomel harshly reminded Amon as she whacked him on the back of his head.

" Ah... Right... Sorry..."

Amon awkwardly laughed as he rubs the back of his head.

" Come on Little One! Squeak Squeak!"

Philomel encouraged and Amon immediately supported by making the rat sound. Little One was more focused on the ground rather than the dark elves, fearing being up so high by himself.

" Don't look down! Look here!"

Amon said with a waving hand. Little One looked up and saw Philomel and Amon, eyes sparkling with big smiles and huge excited gestures, beckoning Little One to come.

" Wahanai!"

Little One babbled in delight as he took one small step, his legs shook from holding up his own weight and his whole body wobble along trying to find balance. He couldn't find balance and was about to fall over but he quickly leaned on Amon's satchel. He struggles to keep his body forward as he took another step, the roaring cheers from Philomel and Amon increased. Little One wanted to take another step but he had already walked to the edge of Amon's satchel. He tried to take a step without the help of the satchel but fell.

Thankfully he fell onto Darzirak which was a thick soft goo, that felt like falling onto jelly. Little One immediately stood back on all fours and crawled as fast as he could to Amon and Philomel who were still cheering.

" Hooray! Little One!!"

Amon chimed as he picked up Little One and hold him up. Little One squealed in delight, Amon placed Little One back onto the ground and pointed at Darzirak.

" Little One, pass. Pass Little One, pass."

Amon gently urged but Little One just looked at Amon in confusion.

" He doesn't know pass."

Philomel informed as she pushed Amon to the side, so she could stick her arm out of the crack in the barrier.

" Little One, show, show Little One, show."

Philomel asked as she pointed at Darzirak. Little One immediately pulled Darzirak and gave it to Philomel, extremely happy to show his new toy.

" Good! Baby! Very Good!"

Philomel praised as she patted Little One on the head before passing Darzirak to Amon.

" What now?"

Philomel questioned as she watched Amon stretch Darzirak until Darzirak was as thin as parchment. Within Darzirak there were many dots and clumps of soil which Amon could easily see when he held Darzirak against the light.

" Pass me, a clean nappy."

Amon instructed and Philomel obliged, digging around in her satchel and passing one. Amon pressed Darzirak against the nappy until he leaked through the other side. Amon pulls the little end and kept going until a certain length of Darzirak was through the nappy.

" Look, it's working."

Amon showed Philomel the other end and there weren't any dots of dirt within.

" Here, do it like this."

Philomel ordered and press the nappy against slightly above the barrier crack, holding one side with her foot and pulling Darzirak through. Amon seeing that, place his foot on the other side of the nappy, holding that in place and he started pulling.

It was hard and grueling work as each time they pull, Darzirak became more solid on one side since it was pushing the dirt into one part of Darzirak. Heavy pants and Little One squealing were all that could be heard for 15 minutes until finally, the dirt fell onto the ground as Philomel and Amon pulled the last bit of Darzirak through the nappy. Darzirak instantly turned back to his sharp ears dog form.

" Darzirak!"

Amon called out as he shook the demon but then Amon suddenly felt dizzy and slumped against the side of the barrier.

" Amon! Are you alright?"

Philomel called out as she shook him.

" Dreaming... dreaming... he wants to dream bad..."

Amon sleepy huffed out as he closed his eyes and instantly fell asleep.

"... It's probably a terrible time to say this but... Amon, I think you broke your demon."

Philomel awkwardly said with a worried expression as she watched tears roll off Darzirak's cheeks. Extremely curious about what Darzirak was dreaming, wondering what was so terrible that it brought a demon to tears, was hell really that horrible? She wondered as she watched the two of them sleep.


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