
V5 Chapter 115 Hidden Beauty

From the darkest shadow, instant light

eyes stunned, wide open,

yet still blind

slowly adjusting to the sunlight

scenery unfolding, breathtaking

forest curved around a pool

of shimmering, glistening water

fish leaping out to greet their early dinner

trees more distance from each other

as bushes and grass took their paths

In the distance movement

from a little red fox

ears pointed high, before scampering off

Its fluffy red tail disappearing

within the bushes

Birds flying low, wanting to greet

the still-cool water, below their feet

before disappearing through the trees

A peaceful paradise indeed.

" Still wanna whine about the path we took?"

Philomel laughs with a smug look.

" Oh! Now, I definitely will, if we aren't going to enjoy this to the fullest."

Amon chuckles with a grin, extremely excited and happy to see so much water. Especially since they both were covered in mud. With a quick movement, Philomel drops her satchel onto the ground, runs, and leaps at a tree. One hand grabbed a low branch before swinging herself up. The tree shook and some leaves fell but within moments Philomel was above everything, staring into the horizon where the sun was a few hours to sun set.

" We're like 3 miles away from the edges! I can see the road from here and the kingdom in the distance! Congratulations, Among looks like today your wish shall come true!"

Philomel informed with a smile.

" Ah! As if I would allow you to take this moment away from me!"

Amon unfastened the headband and slowly took Little One off his shoulders. Philomel with a few flips, landed on the ground, right in front of Amon. Her hands ran across her clothes, and with a simple click, her stomach amour came off and fell on the ground.

" What are you?!"

Amon instantly fell silent, as Philomel's white lace undergarment came into view. Showing off her every curve and almost every inch of her rich caramel skin. His eyes immediately travel down to her waist, her thin waist that curved wide to a plump and round ass that stretched the fabric with its size. Philomel without a second thought, dived right into the lake, making a minimal splash. Refreshing hitting her body, make Philomel shiver from how cold it was. When Philomel resurfaced, the first thing she saw was Amon holding Little One in one arm while he was biting on his fisted hand, staring at her.

" What are you waiting for?! Slowpoke!! The water is fine!!"

Philomel yelled from the water with a waving hand but Amon's eyes were elsewhere.

" Why did she have to do that?! How is her ass more bouncy than her chest?"

Amon muttered in a cursing tone as he bit hard on his fisted hand.

" Waingggggbong?"

Little One babble in confusion.

" Don't look, Mel is the definition of inappropriate right now."

Amon said as he placed a hand over Little One's eyes. Little One babbled some more as his little hands held Amon's fingers, wondering what kind of game this is. Amon took on deep breaths as he tried to calm down as he watched Philomel swimming backstroke with her chest in full view above the water.


" Mel!"

Amon called out, he sat on the edge of the lake with only his legs in the water. Next to him, sat Little One, Amon's handheld Little One's side, keeping the baby's legs in the water and keeping him from jumping in. Little One kept kicking his feet at the water and squealing. Philomel dived and swam over to them with ease.

" About time, landlubber. What's with the shirt?"

Philomel asked wondering why Amon was still wearing his grey mud-filled shirt.

" Oh, courtesy and safety reasons. Especially since I am a man and you're a woman."

Amon reminded as he slipped, his clean black shirt over Philomel. Since his shirt was too big for her, it slipped over one shoulder, revealing Philomel's bra strap but it was definitely an improvement from before. Philomel stared at the oversized shirt for a before looking at Amon with confusion.

" You look like a stick but how is your shirt bigger than mine?"

Philomel questioned with a laugh as she tie Amon's shirt in certain places to fit her. Slightly embarrassed that she felt so comfortable around Amon to forget he was a man but at the same time happy that Amon reminded her.

" Seriously?"

Amon scoffed with slight disbelief but smile since it was so unexpected that it became funny.

" Come on, you little happy. Water is feeling great."

Philomel chimed as she took Little One in her arms and dipped him into the water until his waist. Little One immediately squeal and started getting excited, flicking water around.

" Planning on staying there forever, or learning how to swim? The walking but for water."

Philomel asked with a giggle as she quoted how Amon called it weeks ago.

" Ready as I'll ever be."

Amon awkwardly smile, his heart was racing, excited but at the same time nervous and unsure. With just his legs in the water, he was already feeling the cold and his body wasn't used to it. Taking a deep breath in he slowly got into the lake, shivers ran up his shivering body as the cold lake water hits him. Sucking a breath between his teeth, quickly submerged his body until his neck just to yelp out at how freezing cold it was when it reaches his chest.

Philomel laughed at him from the sidelines, enjoying each and every weird expression Amon made as he shivered under the water.

" Why is it so cold?!!! Is it because I'm super used to the heat of the desert ??"

Amon questioned through chatting teeth.

" There's that and the fact the sun wasn't hitting the lake for quite some time. Don't think about it. Do something to get the blood flowing that way, you won't feel the cold so much."

Philomel suggested as she held Little One up high then dip his legs into the water until his knees whenever Little One started kicking and squealing, she held him high again. Repeating the same thing as she made an oooooh sound.

" Ok, blood flowing! Got it."

Amon nodded as he huffed through his chattering teeth.

" You can hold onto the edge do some kicking and get used to floating."

Philomel instructed as she swam over to the edge placing Little One on land.

" Like this."

Philomel demonstrated, Amon was still hesitant about the whole thing and only held onto the edge.

" Aww, come on. The water is shallow, you can always stand if you're afraid."

Philomel giggled as she stop Little One from crawling into the lake and carried Little One in her arms.


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