
V5 Chapter 113 Under The Stars

The green blanket of soft grass ripples across a field as a soft breeze sweeps by. Flicks of colors, red poppy, pale pink drummond phlox, white trillium, purple gilia tricolor, all danced around the field in such an intricate pattern. Just on the horizon, green tall trees huddle close together casting an ominous shadow at their own feet. Yet above all, standing firmly tall, the rolling mountains, some white tip, some brown. Everything is cast under a pale moonlight from a crescent moon, glowing through thin wispy clouds, alongside the glistening starlight. Despite it all, a glowing beacon of light was more attractive than the pale moonlight. Close to the ominous shadows of the trees, a strong burning orange light from a campfire's crackling thrive. Its soft sound of sparking life was overpowered by a usual babbling that was bursting with energy on this peaceful night.

" Aiiii Baaaaalobing Bineeeeee!!"

Little One squealed as he threw a bunch of flowers into the air and kept waving his hands.

" Looks like he's having a color craze, probably should have given him that many flowers."

Philomel suggested with a smile as she puts down a bundle of sticks.

" Let, him. It's better that he tire himself out now than keeping us awake at night. "

Amon chuckled as he watched Little One rolling around in the flowers.

" Reminds me of a certain someone doing that the whole evening."

Philomel teased as she sat down next to Amon near the fire.

" Hey! I also did tons of running around. Big difference."

Amon exaggerated as he quickly pulled Little One's hand to put some distance between Little One's mouth and a flower.

" No, no eat. No."

Amon reminded, Little One pouted but knew that if he tried it again, Amon would take it away from him.

" Hmm, looks like he is finally getting the idea. How old do you think Little One is? Is it normal for a baby to learn stuff that fast?"

Philomel asked as she pulled out two apples from her satchel and offered one to Amon.

" I think he should be..."

Amon thought for a moment as he took the apple from Philomel.

" More 1 month? Even then he seems pretty smart for that age."

He guessed before taking a bite out of the apple.

" 1 month, huh?.... Hey, wait a minute... Hasn't it been 1 month since we first kidnapped that baby?"

Philomel wonder out loud before realizing Amon was telling the time frame from when they first laid eyes on the baby.

" That's how I know he's definitely more than 1 month old!"

Amon chuckled, extremely pleased with himself. Philomel's shoulder bump Amon with a grin.

" That's so cheating! "

Philomel giggled.

" Hey, it's not wrong, it's technically true."

Amon chuckled as he shoulder bumped, back at Philomel.

" 1 month since your first steps out of the desert and yet here you are still so excited about a normal field of flowers."

" *Gasp* How can you not be?! Look at how breathtaking this is! And the air! My god the air! Is such a sweet flora fragrance."

Amon stood to his feet with much enthusiasm as he gestured toward the beautiful scenery. He takes in a long slow breath, savoring the moment.

" I only ever seen flowers on the fresh graves of our fallen comrade. The first time I ever held flowers was to place them upon my mother's grave. The only time we dark elves will ever receive such beautiful wonders would be when we're 6 feet under. I never knew such beauty could only bring such sorrow... But out here, it's everywhere, among the grass and leaves. I never knew how beautiful a field of flowers is, I never knew such a symbol of mournful sorrow could bring such colors and joy."

Amon admits as he slowly sits back down, his gaze never leaving the beautiful field.

" Those with demon blood in their veins are strong. If not... What's the point of making a deal to have it?"

Philomel repeated their tribe's motto her gaze following Amon's and watching the gentle breeze sweep through the moonlight-kissed field of vibrant colors.

" There is no place for the weak. Flowers are the symbol of the weak, for they do not defend themselves and only offer beauty. This is why flowers are only acceptable for the dead for they are weak and that's why they are dead. However for many other cultures, flowers hold meaning, some flowers hold healing properties and some even deathly poison. In human culture, flowers are used to express emotions to another person. This is why humans would gift their beloved with flowers on special occasions. Based on the type and color of the flower sends out a message. Just like how poppies mean remembrance and hope for a peaceful future."

Philomel informs in a gentle tone as she places a red flower in Amon's hair. Amon turns to look at Philomel in surprise at her sudden touch but relaxes as soon as he knows it is her and allows her to place the flower.

" Remembrance and hope. That is a good meaning."

Amon commented as he picked up a flower from Little One's feet, twirling its stem between his forefinger and thumb. He stares at the rotating flower for a moment.

" To receiving flowers before we're 6th feet under and uploading a weird human tradition."

Amon said as he handed the pale pink drummond phlox to Philomel.

" To a better, more open-minded future for our tribe."

Philomel added as she accepted the flowers from Amon with a smile.

" Aiiii!! Balooiggy boiinlaaaa."

Little One mumbled as he pulled on the hem of Amon's pants and slip a purple flower into his shoe.

" Hey, Little buddy, what you up to?? Planning making my pants longer? Well, any longer and I might be tripping on my own feet."

Amon questioned as he picked Little One off the ground and placed the baby on his lap. Philomel giggled at the comment as she smell the flower Amon had given her.

" Aiiiiii."

Little One squealed as he reached out for Philomel.

" Oh, you want to be fed by Mel, today?"

Amon guessed as he pass Little One to Philomel. As Philomel took Little One from Amon, the baby slip the small purple flower into her glove without her noticing.

" Ok, I got him. Pass me the milk."

Philomel informed as he cradle Little One in her arms.

" Got it."

Amon inform as he pulled out the milk bottle from his satchel and shook it once by accident. Instantly a stream of milk shot out and onto the fire. Causing the flame to flick before regaining its strength.

" Oops... But it shouldn't have shot out like that."

Amon wondered out loud as he checks the milk bottle's nozzle and noticed a small hole on the side.

" Wait a minute... pass me Little One."

Amon ordered and Philomel switch Little One for the milk bottle. Amon then held Little One near the light of the campfire.

" Little One, ahhh say ahhh."

Amon said as he demonstrated. Little One babbled before thinking Amon looked funny and started squealing.

" Can you really see anything like that?"

Philomel questioned as she lean closer to have a look.

" Nope, I got nothing. Any idea for making him open his mouth?"

Amon shook his head before asking.

" You gave me the answer, right here."

Philomel informs as she waves the bottle close to Little One and immediately Little One reaches out for the bottle with his mouth opened wide. From the light, something small and white reflected.

" There! Did you see it?!"

Amon asked with much excitement.

" Little One has like a small weird bump in his mouth... Ulcer?"

Philomel guessed.

" No! Little One is growing his first tooth!"

Amon exclaimed as he held the baby up high and then pulled Little One close. Little One squealed in delight at the fast moments.

" Aren't you a little big boy now? Biting and nibbling on the bottle like a rat. Ho! Aren't you a little squeak squeak? Biting on the bottles, scratching around. My little squeak squeak."

Amon cheer as he blew raspberries into Little One's cheek.

" Hey, planning on feeding him, yet?"

Philomel asked as she held up the bottle.

" Ah! Right."

Amon nodded as he passed Little One to Philomel and watched her feed the little baby.


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