
V5 Chapter 104 What the hel..met! Darzirak?!

" Ok, Little One. We have done this before. Rock, leaf, and stick. "

Amon reveals each item by name as he places them in front of Little One. A candle on a nightstand lit up half the room, all light completely avoiding one bed. A single bed where Philomel slept a deep slumber, leaving Amon and Little One on the second bed, which was right against the wall in front of a window.

" Ai?"

Little One curiously mumbles as he looks at each object. His little hands immediately grabbed the rock and the stick wanting to bite on them. Amon seeing this immediately takes away all items, hiding them behind his back. Little One grumbled and whine, pulling on Amon's shirt and demanding that he be given the items back but Amon refused. Amon only return the items when Little One calmed down and a moment longer just to be sure the baby was calm.

" That's right, Little One. Only when you're calm and patient, you will get what you want. Even if you get what you want there are some things you can't do to those things or else they will be taken away. "

Amon repeated for the 50th time. Feeling much better since they made progress from the last time they did this, back in Beaggar's Hole village.

"At least he isn't crying or screaming now."

Amon thought to himself with a smile as he recalled the first 12 rounds where Little One threw a tantrum when the items were taken away. Each time Amon or Philomel comforted Little One but never gave him back the items.

" You know I thought that Philomel was being crazy and kinda mean, training you like a dog but after managing to at least get you to stop throwing a tantrum. I feel like we can work with this. I know it's inhuman but it's like you understand us to some extent. I know nothing about babies but I think you're pretty bright."

Amon complimented as he pats Little One on the head before giving back the items.

" Ugaing."

Little One instantly grab it and brought it close to his mouth.

" No. Little One. No mouth. "

Amon reminded as he moves his hand away from his own mouth. Little One stares up at Amon for a while before trying to eat the rock again. Unfortunately for Little One, Amon already had anticipated this and quickly took the rock away. Little One frowned and pouted at Amon but did not attempt to throw a fuss.

*Tap tap tap tap tap tap Boom!*

Suddenly the window broke and pieces of glass fell toward Amon and Little One. Amon quickly pulled Little One, covering the baby's ears as he shielded Little One from the glass with his back. A loud explosion sets off in the distance and echoes throughout the village with an impact blast that shook the earth.

Amon winched and huddled close to Little One as he held Little One tightly in his arms. The ringing sounds buzzed in Amon's skull, from the corner of his eye. He could see the raging flames attempting to touch the heavens off toward the east. Amon turned to Philomel who was holding her ears as she rushed up toward him. She glanced out the window for a moment before turning to Amon. Her lips moved but all he could hear was a ringing sound.

" !!!!!!.... Are You... Alright?"

Her voice now sounded far but at least he could hear it. The sound of Little One screaming as he cried out in fear, sounded closer to Amon.

" Yes."

Answered with a nod as Philomel took Little One from his arms and rocked the not-so-light baby. A dark liquid flowed from the windowsill and drip onto the ground. The door suddenly swung open and standing by the entrance was Mrs. Barrett.

" Are you darlings alright?!"

Mrs. Barrett asked in a fearful tone. Both Philomel and Amon quickly nodded as Philomel quickly turned and hid Darzirak behind her.

" You two stay here. I'll go check out what happened. Oh, I hope my Little Jo Jo is alright!"

Mrs. Barrett worries as she closed the door behind her and left in a hurry.

" *Coughing coughing coughing* Well ... that was close."

Darzirak mumbled in relief as he relax on the floor.

" What the hel.... helmet!! Was that Darzirak?!!"

Philomel snapped as she turned around and glared at Darzirak.

" I believe that ..."

Darzirak trailed off as he pointed at the utter chaos happening on the east side of the village.

" Is called a revolution and don't believe me but I took no part in it!"

Darzirak raised his voice for the end of his sentence but has some strains which ended up in a huge coughing fit. Suddenly a glowing dark navy potion flew out from Darzirak's mouth, landing a distance away from Philomel's feet with a thud. Philomel immediately recognized the potion as the very same potion that was hidden in the basement of the Lord's mansion. She immediately shot Darzirak an accusing venom glare.

" Ok, maybe just a little bit."

Darzirak admitted as he gestured just a little pinch.

" Darzirak! What did you do!"

Amon demanded as he stood up from the bed and stormed right up to Darzirak. Darzirak immediately rolled over, exposing his underbelly and he looks up to Amon with much excitement.

" Why must you make everything weird?"

Amon grumbled as he picks up a shard of glass and lifted it, gesturing that he was about to stab right through his right hand. Darzirak's ears immediately flattened, knowing that Amon wasn't kidding and would stab a hole right through his apartment.

" I love it when you get so serious but I rather not sleep under a bleeding roof."

Darzirak commented as he stood back up to his feet.

" Fine, I'll tell you."

Darzirak said with a heavy sigh.

" And you better not spare a single detail! You got it?"

Philomel demanded with a pointing finger.

" *Tired sigh* It all started back..."

Darzirak begins with a huge sigh.


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