
V5 Chapter 102 Recap (2/3)

" Soup of the day! Sweet Potato Soup!"

Mrs. Barrett announced as she placed the plates down in front of Amon and Philomel before removing the empty plates.

" Enjoy."

Mrs. Barrett chimed with a bow before leaving the table.

" Tell me again how many courses are there?"

Amon questioned as he watches Mrs. Barrett leave the table.

" Ummm... I think the human standard is 7?"

Philomel softly answers as she stirs her soup.

" Se... Seven?? Can we even last that long?"

Amon gasp with widened eyes.

" Probably? I mean we haven't had a good meal in 26 shadow territory days."

Philomel guess with a tilted head.

" What about that weird soup you made in that mimic rest area? "

" Can you even count that as a good meal when you used weird to describe it?"

" Ah... point taken."

Amon nodded as he take a sip of his soup. Instantly his mouth felt the soft creamy texture as a starchy sweet taste creeps in like slow waves of a calm ocean followed by a hiddenly strong aftertaste that stick in his throat. Amon cleared his throat at the aftertaste with a frown as he touched his throat before he knew it he had picked up the bowl, swallowing it whole. Forcing himself to keep drinking, trying to avoid that strong aftertaste but he knew it was inevitable. The aftertaste will hit him as soon as he runs out of soup to distract himself from it.

Amon couldn't help but be reminded that it was the same predicament he was stuck in. Philomel the only girl around his age, that spoke to him after the death of his father, and his choice to become a no-rank entrance guard, needed his help. So fearful and anxious that she cried in his arms. Out of everyone she came to him... Amon couldn't help but feel happy that his skills as a dark elf has been recognized and his efforts.

He wished he had known better, better than to let himself be swayed by her tears instead of hearing the full details of the quest, better than to promise with his whole heart without thinking. But then again even if he knew what was the quest, know what was ahead of them, he would still choose to follow Philomel.

How could he not? Breathing air so fresh that it seems like a dream, the soft wet rough yet smooth texture of leaves under his fingertips. Being able to see an actual forest, experience a lake the wonderful rumbling melody of flowing water. Stare up in wonder and fear at a city, a city demonstrating the capability of two races working together. Even though he didn't have much time to explore the city from what he saw, he knew, knew what a simulating place it is and learned the tender heartfelt care of the light elves from one to another.

Learn to give the same heartfelt care for another and understand how wonderful it is for each small achievement he made when it came to Little One. Just one chubby smile was all it takes to brighten his whole day to the point where tears stung his eyes. His babbling when he was bored, the way he rubs his little face on his shoulder when he was sleepy, his squeal when he was excited while they played, riding Amon's shoulders and dancing in the rain...

Rain, like diamonds falling from the sky. What a blessing it truly was.

Most of all Little One's little laugh... so adorable and bubbly that it filled Amon with such happiness that his heart hurts from being so busting with happiness enough to make a grown man cry.

Parting with Little One was worst than ripping a heart out of Amon's chest. Amon couldn't help but feel the loss of purpose in his life and everything else had turned meaningless. Even though he did it for a chance at his newest crush Philomel and the safety of Little One. Amon realized that wanting to be with Philomel was wanting to have a family. Wanting to be a family with Little One and Philomel, just the three of them. With Little One out of the picture, Amon felt he had lost a piece of himself.

Something he could distract himself from with Philomel... Her pulling beauty and her warmth comforted Amon. It didn't make him forget the pain of leaving Little One but it did make the pain more bearable. He knew he wanted to spend time with her but never one on one... it was always together with Little One. Amon knew that it was wrong and that he shouldn't be thinking of them this way...

But that didn't stop his heart from leaping with joy at the slight of Little One being cradled in Darzirak's arms. Even though it meant incurring Philomel's wrath. Knowing that Little One made such wonderful friends and even gain such a caring elder sister (Shayna) was the icing on top.

The mission had so many life or instant-death situations that it made Amon cherish every breathing moment with Philomel and Little One even more. The weirdest part... Amon finds himself not having it any other way.

"A blessing in disguise no matter how steep the price. Doesn't change the fact it's a wonderful blessing that feels like a miracle."

Amon found himself thinking as he handled the aftertaste of the soup like a professional. As he set down how to bowl, only then did Amon notice that Philomel was barely touching her soup and was taking it slow.

" Something wrong? Is it not to your liking?"

Amon asked as he wipes his mouth with his napkin before putting it on the table.

" It's a little too sweet for me... "

Philomel admitted in a soft tone.

" And don't you love sweet things?"

Amon asked with a tilted head as he picks up Little One from the baby chair and set Little One on his lap. Little One immediately grabs the tablecloth, pulling it and Amon quickly grabs Little One's hands to stop him, giving him the napkin to play with instead.

" I do... but I don't feel like I deserve it right now..."

Philomel's voice cracked slightly like she was about to burst into tears.

" Hey, hey... Don't think like that... If it wasn't for you, I would be dead right now."

Amon reminded as he reaches out for her hand and finally managed to hold it. Amon tenderly caresses her knuckles as his hand rest on the table across from her.

" If it wasn't for me you wouldn't have been in this situation from the start. I should never, have asked you to come along. If anything happened to you... I ... I..."

Philomel trails off as she pulls her hand away from Amon. Immediately Amon stood up from his seat and walked over to her side.

" It doesn't matter if anything happens to me because as long as we have each other. We can overcome any obstacle. You knew you couldn't handle this alone that's why you tricked me into coming along. To be honest, no one would have been able to handle this alone. I'm glad that you choose me to help you and I wouldn't have it any other way."

Amon whispered to her as he wrap his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close to his chest. Little One that was being cradled in Amon's other arm, leaned forward and rested his cheek on her lap as he stretched his little hands across.

" And from the looks of it, Little One feels the same."

Amon pointed out with a soft chuckle.

" How can you be sure about that? He's too young and probably doesn't even know what an opinion is."

Philomel points out as she takes Little One from Amon's arms and cuddles him against her cheek.

" Just because he doesn't know what an opinion is, doesn't mean he doesn't have one."

Amon says as he grabs a chair from the table behind him, spun it around, and sits next to Philomel, the whole time his arm never left Philomel's shoulders as his hand soothingly pats her shoulder in a soft rubbing way.

" You know, he cried when Darzirak brought him to me and cling to me for dear life. I heard from Darzirak that he missed us very much to the point he barely ate and hardly slept. If that isn't an opinion or some form of preference then... I don't know what is."

Amon smiled as he pats Little One's head. Philomel silently stared down at Little One.

" Uhwa?"

Little One babble as he gazes up at Philomel under Amon's hand. His eyes sparkled against the moonlight looking to be a bright ocean blue rather than Philomel's sky blue. His eyes couldn't help Philomel be reminded of the ocean sparkling waves against a beautiful sunny day.

" Eyes that change shades based on emotions. How like Amon's... "

Philomel couldn't help but think as she pokes the baby's chubby cheeks causing Little One to look at her finger. With his little hand, he grabbed her finger and looked back up at her with excitement at successfully catching her finger moments after she poked him.

An achievement that amounted to little to nothing, yet brought such joy to him and those around him.


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