
V5 Chapter 100 Glad you're alright

Soft hushed footsteps echo throughout an empty hallway. Amon takes in slow long breaths as he stretched out his fingers, still feeling the muscles cramp from what Darzirak had done earlier that day. A few lit candles guided Amon towards another dimly lit room.

" I feel better if you stay in bed. If it's the food you want I can always get Philomel to bring some to you later. "

Darzirak informed behind Amon, keeping his form as Amon's shadow.

" Just, shush. Your voice is annoying and giving me a headache."

Amon hissed at Darzirak, extremely annoyed even though the demon has done nothing more than offer his constant help. From the shabby home of the village chief all the way to the inn and even in the bath. Darzirak kept doing all he could to help Amon but that just pissed Amon off more than ever. In reality, Amon was angry at himself, he knew his bond with Darzirak wasn't as strong as Darzirak's bond with him but didn't think it was the lowest bond type throughout his whole family.

Amon takes in a breath and slowly breathes out as he enters the dining area. It was awfully dimly lit, only having a few candles lit at the side of the room. Out of all the tables, only one table candle was lit, it was a table that was right next to a wide open window and was already occupied. Amon was about to sit close to the entrance but then noticed something familiar with the other guest of the inn.

Her long flowing black hair that touches her waist, flowed along the gentle breeze that blew in through the window to greet her. A low-cut pink nightgown that showed off her curves. Her whole body was bathed under the pale moonlight that shine down from the window. A window that she was starting out of as she rested her head in one hand.

" Why aren't you waving back? Little One looks angry now."

Darzirak asked from the shadows.

" Huh?"

Amon finally notices Little One sitting on a baby chair right in front of the window. pouting at him and started fussing.

" What's wrong with you?"

Philomel gently asked Little One as she pats his head, only then did Philomel turn around, and her shimmer blue eyes turned to look at him. Electrifying blue with swirls of white moonbeam danced in her eyes, and her sun-kissed skin that was now being kissed by moonlight looked more ravishing than ever. Her slightly parted wet plum pink lips shimmer under the moonlight. Amon's breath hitched in his throat as he finds himself petrified at such a stunning sight.

" And that's my clue to leave. "

Darzirak decided as he leaves Amon's shadow and returns to the underworld. That was all it took for Amon to recover from his petrified state and panic.

" Hey, wait. Where the hell do you think you're going off to?!"

Amon harshly whispered to his shadow just to realize his shadow had completely vanished.

" Is something wrong?"

Philomel asked right next to Amon, which made Amon jolt in shock at the sudden realization that Philomel was standing just inches away from him.

" Nothing! ... Nothing at all... Darzirak just left for the underworld..."

Amon quickly said as he slowly regain his composure and avoided eye contact with Philomel. Philomel suddenly wraps her arms around Amon, giving him a tight hug and a heart attack. As his heart rate spiked through the roof and bang against his ribs like it was trying to pump an ocean's worth of blood into his brain.

" I'm so glad that you're alright."

Philomel whispered into his chest as she nuzzled against it. Amon was overwhelmed by her soft sweet floral scilla siberica scent that was mixed with the same herbal scent from the soap he used earlier. He couldn't help but wonder how it smells better on her than him as his hands slowly, and awkwardly hugs her back. Calming down in her embrace as he felt her warmth and steady heartbeat against his.

" I'm glad as well."

Amon whispered back to her as he rested his chin on her head.

" You better be, you have no idea what me, Darzirak, and Little One had to go through to save you."

Philomel cheeky says as she back away a bit to look up at Amon.

" Oh? And what exactly?"

Amon asks with a smirk as he looks down at Philomel's huge smile.

" You won't believe it."

Philomel teased as she moves away from Amon, taking holding his hand as she gently leads him back to her table.

" Try me."

Amon purred to Philomel's ear in a low husky voice as he pulls her chair for her. Philomel didn't know why but immediately blushed at Amon as she avoided eye contact with him and cover her ear with one hand. Amon's smile could help but grow but he immediately try to hide it by biting his lower lip as he took his seat across from her.

Amon rested his elbows on the table and entangle his fingers in front of him just to hide his smile. Knowing that if Philomel saw his huge grin she would immediately know he was teasing her and probably get angry at him for it. Not that Amon didn't want that, he wanted to openly tease Philomel and indulge in her cute angry expressions. The only problem was Amon wasn't sure he could stop himself from kissing her and touching her at such an adorable sight. Unfortunately, Philomel would probably cry if he did and that would ruin every bit of trust he has built so far. Something that Amon never wants to happen.

" Uhhh wwaaaaai!!"

Little One suddenly screamed as he picks up the napkin on the table and throw it at Amon. Amon caught the napkin with ease and only then did he remember Little One.

" Aww... Sorry, little buddy. I didn't mean to forget about you."

Amon soothingly says as he stood up and picks up Little One from the baby chair.

" Did you miss me? Did you miss me?!"

Amon asked with a different tone as he sat back down and blew a raspberry on Little One cheeks. Little One squealed in delight as he held Amon's cheeks in both hands.

" Aigbong mofong."

Little babbled as stared at Amon's maroon red eyes before pulling on his front hair.

" Hey, did you mess with Little One's nappy? Why is it so tight? The poor little guy must have been uncomfortable the whole time."

Amon asked as he placed Little One on his lap and untie the nappy.

" I had to change it but I didn't know how to tie it so I just did a bow tie knot. Was it too tight? Little One wasn't fussy about it."

Philomel asked as she stood up and came over to Amon's side.

" Just because he doesn't fussy doesn't mean it's uncomfortable. See there's a red line on his waist. There needs to be a little bit of space in between. You need to fold it over like this then do a soft knot like this."

Amon explained as he showed Philomel how it's done. Amon turn to look at Philomel just to find her so close that he was a breath away from kissing her cheek. Philomel was focused on Little One and didn't notice at all.

" Wait do it again. I didn't get the ..."

Philomel trailed off as she turns to Amon and realized how close he was to her. Amon stared into Philomel's electrifying blue eyes as she stared into his strawberry eyes that shimmered against the moonlight.

"Again his eyes changed color."

Philomel noted to herself.

" Do you know? Your eyes are weird."

Philomel commented as she placed a finger on Amon's forehead and pushed his head back a little bit but allowed it to stay 3 inches away from hers.

" Now show me that again."

Philomel ordered.

" Right..."

Amon huffed in a slightly disappointed tone even though he did it again and did it slowly so that Philomel could learn.

" Huh... didn't think it would be that complex to tie a nappy. "

Philomel commented as she returned to her seat.

" I know, right? I thought the same as well until the nuns in that church showed me."

Amon said with a laugh before noticing Philomel warming and smiling back at him.

"Oh, how the moonlight lit up her smile. How her eyes sparkle... how maddening each time she blinks slowly at me... how I wish I couldn't notice her slightly parted lush pink lips... How jealous I am of her nightgown, being able to hold her so close... "

Amon couldn't help but think as he stared at Philomel as she tucked a lock of hair behind her ear.

" Philomel there's something I wanna..."

Amon softly muttered as he reaches out across the table toward her hand that was resting close to her plate.

" Beautiful night isn't it?"

Philomel asked as her attention was drawn to the window, without knowing she pulled her hand away from Amon's reach and rested her head in it. Amon softly sigh as he withdrew his hand.

" Yeah..."

Amon nodded as lifted Little One and placed him back into the baby chair.


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