
V5 Chapter 88 Team Wailing Swift Breeze 2/5

No more suffering, no more pain, and no more tears. All right there within her grip.

Philomel watched a bead of sweat roll down her cheek and forms a drop on her chin.

Decision Roll_ 13 (Good choice path)

" Magic has its limits but never curses. "

Darzirak's words rang in Philomel's mind as her sweat dropped from her chin and out of view.

" As if we aren't cursed enough.... "

Philomel reminded herself with a sigh as she places the bottle back onto the shelf.

" Hello? Is there anyone here?"

Philomel called out as she leans over the counter, trying to see if there was anyone tending to the shop.

" Ai..."

Little One grumbled with much unease and hides his face behind Philomel's head.

*Jing Jing*

The sound of the bell for the door rang. Philomel turned and watched a middle-aged man with a red feather in his huge hat, walk in.

" Oh, customers. I'm glad that, that demon didn't scare away my business."

The man's voice heavy with an Eastern human accent chimed as he quickly closed the door behind him and shuffled behind the counter.

" Sorry for the wait, I had a house call. "

He apologized as he puts down his black leather bag on the counter. Philomel immediately noticed the quality of the bag.

"Stealing that would definitely keep a huge family fed for weeks."

Philomel took a mental note as she nodded to the man with a smile.

" Welcome to my shop, I'm Dashrul. How can I help you? Do you know which potion you're looking for or would you like an examination? I'm not a very good shaman but I am an okay doctor. If your elf baby is sick then I suggest visiting a real professional. "

Dashrul suggested with a smile as he wipes the sweat off his forehead.

" The Baby isn't why I'm here. My friend needs a Vitality potion and a Mana potion. "

Philomel informs, Dashrul immediately turns to the shelves behind his counter searching for it.

" Lesser, Regular, or Greater? "

His head popped up from behind the counter as he turned to Philomel and asked. Philomel knowing that Lesser would be cheaper but might not be enough to fully heal Amon made her decision.

" Regular. How much is it? "

Dashrul" Around 20 gold for the Vitality, Mana is 5 silver."

Dashrul informed as he places the potions on the counter. Philomel's jaw immediately dropped.

" That's quite a jacked-up price... Anywhere else would be selling 3 silver as the combined price of both potions. "

Philomel informed with a frown. Dashrul just shrugged.

" Other places don't need military knights protecting the whole village against the dark creatures of Mountmend. So what's it going to be?"

Dashrul asked the words past his lips with such ease that it was obvious that he has said them many times before. Seeing no other choice Philomel pulled out the money pouch, she stole.

" I'll take the Mana potion for now. I'll be back for the other potion when I have enough."

Philomel bit her lip at the sight of 80 percent of all the stolen money she had disappeared under Dashrul's hand, leaving only the potion on the counter. With much discomfort, Philomel took the potion and headed for the exit.

" So how cutthroat was it?"

Darzirak asked as soon as the shop door closed behind Philomel.

" So extreme that even I can't believe it. I could have brought an enchanted scroll for that much. There's no way we can raise 20 gold in two and a quarter hours. "

Philomel huffed.

" 20 gold for low-level potions?!"

Darzirak exclaimed with such shock that he almost choked on his own tongue.

" No."

Philomel answer as she gives Darzirak the mana potion in her hand.

" 20 gold for 1 Vitality potion. "

Philomel clarified.

" Vitality potion... That is a good choice to cure Amon with since it would heal him from any/every illness and damage... But that potion is very rare and normally costs 7 gold. Wow, that guy really jack up the price, huh? With 7 gold I could buy a really big fancy wagon and a fancy horse. Also, how do you plan on getting 20 gold in slightly more than 2 hours? "

" I don't know but you standing here and babbling about prices is distracting me. Take that potion to Amon, quickly, and buy us some more time while I find that tavern."

Philomel instructed as she shooed Darzirak with a waving hand while glancing around at the signboards, looking for the tavern. Darzirak without another word sinks down into the ground and shadow teleports back to Amon. Which he did with much ease since this time he was teleporting a small bottle and not a whole person.

Philomel who was uncomfortable standing out under open light decided to slip down an alleyway right between the potion shop and a weapon shop. The alleyway was quite narrow, dirty, and dark but that was what Philomel was used to. As she leaped over a trash can, Little One suddenly started whining like he was about to cry because of that Philomel forgot to lift her back leg higher and her toe hits the trash can. Causing a loud bang and the trash can to tip over, spilling out all its contents.

" Hey, hey. There's nothing wrong. There's nothing scary here. Don't worry you're..."

Philomel trailed off as she noticed the trash can of the potion shop was filled with quite good gear that was dirty. The type of gear is somewhat similar to Philomel's gear. The gear of a thief but all this gear has been stained with vivid swirling colors in certain parts. Some were green, some were yellow, and most were purple.

Philomel found it extremely strange but thought nothing of it as she quickly pass it since every second she stood there Little One's wails got louder and louder. As soon as Philomel was quite a distance from the potion shop's alleyway, only then did Little One calm down.

" Wonder what's gotten into Little One? Maybe he can't stand the smell of alleyways? "

Philomel concluded that Little One returned to normal since he was back to pointing at random things that were miles out of his reach and trying to grab them.


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